Chapter 22 - Coitus Interruptus

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I was jerked out of sleep by an unfamiliar tone. Blearly, I sat up, attempting to shove my snarled hair out of my face, "Wazit?"

I felt gentle fingers stroking along my back before lips pressed on my shoulder blade and Pietro said, "It is my phone. That is the tone telling me that there is a mission."

"Oh? Mission? Huh?" I felt Pietro's hot breath against my skin as he chuckled at my confusion.

As his lips traveled across my shoulder on their way to my neck goosebumps broke out across my skin as I attempted to wake up enough to understand what he had said. I rubbed a hand over my face and then tilted my head to the side as his mouth made its way to my neck.

I hummed and then asked, "Mission?"

He nodded, his mouth now finding its way to the spot behind my ear, "Yes. There is a mission. I'm going to have to go back to the tower."

I felt my heart drop a little, especially as my the way that my body was reacting to his mouth and lust started to coil tight inside me, "Ah. And uh–" his teeth scraped along the shell of my ear temporarily distracting me before I could focus enough to finish my thought, "So. Uh. How much time do you have."

In a quick move he had me laid back again, body pressing me against the mattress as his mouth started to move its way back down my neck and his fingers trailed softly over my skin, "I should have enough time for some distraction beforehand, it takes me a blink to get to the tower after all."

My sigh turned into a moan when his knee pressed up against me as his fingers ghosted over my breasts still encased in the thin cotton fabric of the tank I was wearing. When his mouth came to mine I slid my own hands up the line of his bare back.

The tone came again and then the voice of F.R.I.D.A.Y. came into the room, "Mr. Maximoff, Mr. Rogers needs you to return to the tower immediately."

He rested his forehead against mine briefly as he responded, "Can I not have a few minutes?"

The A.I. responded, "I'm sorry, Mr. Rogers is insisting that you need to be here now.

Pietro rolled off me and sat up, swearing vehemently as he stood to find his clothes.

"That's hot."

He paused in the act of pulling his pants up, "Getting dressed?"

I shook my head, "No, that you have such a dirty mouth."

Now he stopped with his shirt half on, "You know what I said? I thought you did not know Sokovian."

I scooted to the edge of the bed nearest him, "I don't, but I spent like five years in a Sokovian safe house when I was with Zemo. I can't speak Sokovian but I picked up a few words here and there. Useful ones mostly. And curses because why the fuck not."

He grinned as he finished pulling his shirt on, "Hm. I'll have to teach you more."

"You can try but I'm pretty hopeless with languages."

Pietro came back over to me on the bed, leaning down to kiss me goodbye. I linked my arms around his neck and tilted my head to deepen the kiss when he would have kept it light. Trying to convince him to just stay. I felt his mind teetering that way but then F.R.I.D.A.Y. spoke again, reminding him of the urgency and on a groan he pulled away.

"We will finish this later." He said as he walked backwards towards the bedroom door.

"You better."

Then on a gust of wind he was gone. I flopped back on to the bed with a grunt. Now wondering what kind of cosmic force was assholish enough to not only make me have four soulmates but apparently conspire against me when it came to things heating up.

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