Chapter 17 - A Taste of Party

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It was nearly eight. Nat was currently working on her own hair and make-up after having done both mine and Wanda's. I was currently looking at myself in the mirror and wondering if this wasn't all a bit much. Not that I didn't love the dress, it was an A-line gown in navy, with hints of deep gold in beadwork along the bodice. It had fluted sleeves and a square neckline. I sighed deeply as I ran my finger along a line of beads.

"What is wrong, surată?"

I turned to face the other two women, Wanda was wearing a crimson sheath style dress that had layers of sheer fabric on the skirt and Nat had a slinky black number that clung to every single curve she had. They were both looking at me now.

I waved a hand over my body, "Isn't this all a bit much? I mean, for a spontaneous party that was thrown together in a few hours? Won't I be way overdressed?"

The two women shared a look and then Nat turned back to the mirror in the vanity as she said, "Oh, you will be surprised just how fast Tony can throw together a black-tie event when he is in the mood to celebrate and be seen doing it."

Nervous again, I reached up and started to play with the necklace I was wearing, until I remembered just how expensive the sapphire and diamond piece was. So, I took to pacing around the room instead.

"Why are you nervous?" Wanda asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because I wanted a simple life when I moved here and now–" I trailed off as I just gestured vaguely into the air to encompass everything that had occurred over the past few months.

Nat hummed as she finished with her make-up, "You'd think you'd be more relaxed after getting laid."

My mouth fell open and I immediately turned red, "My god, we didn't–that's not what happened!"

Wanda tilted her head at me when I looked at her, "Hm. Maybe you should have. Then you'd be relaxed instead of nervous."

"I hate both of you. How can you sit there and joke about me having sex with your brother." I demanded of the smaller woman.

Wanda shrugged delicately, "It's not like I'm not aware that my brother has sex. Neither of us are or were saints after all. By all accounts I hear he's actually very good at what he does."

"Oh my god." I groaned as I buried my face in my hands.


Loki was standing in the corner of the room, doing his best to avoid the attention of anyone. The infernal Stark found any excuse to throw a party. He didn't even know what the reason was for this one. Loki found them only slightly less detestable when the parties were for the team and their most trusted colleagues and friends. But when the party included the unwashed masses—members of the press, rich socialites, sneering government officials and others who thought they were important but weren't? Then it was down right intolerable.

He usually either refused to show up at all or he sent an illusion and he remained in his quarters. He would have used an illusion tonight if his dear brother wasn't visiting. Thor refused to allow Loki to not attend. So, here he was. Wishing he wasn't. And Thor had disappeared. Over the years since he had been banished to Midgard, he had come to trust the team. Some of them he even cared for, like the little witch and her twin. The team has come to trust him, to his constant surprise.

Even the archer trusted him. Loki's eyes sought the man out, spotting him talking with The Captain. When Odin banished him, as an alternative punishment to languishing in the dungeon of Asgard, the archer has been one of the most vocal against him being turned over to The Avengers. With good reason. It was Loki's fault the man had been mind controlled into doing things that went against his moral fiber. Loki imagined the man probably still had nightmares about it. After all, he still did.

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