Chapter 21 - A Speed Date

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Lost in my thoughts and music as I walked to work the following Wednesday, I was surprised to feel my hair flutter around my face and then I was scooped up and spun around quickly before I was set back on my feet and a mouth was on mine.


Pietro grinned at me as he pulled back enough that I could see his face before he nuzzled against my neck, "Lisichka, you should be more aware of your surroundings."

"Mhm. Finally back from your mission? Is Clint back too?"

He released me when I nudged against him so I could start walking again, instantly linking his fingers with mine, "Yes. The archer is back too. I heard Loki went to Asgard."

I sipped at my coffee as I nodded, trying not to let my worry about that leak through. But apparently he knew my thoughts because he said, "He will be fine. Thor will make sure that nothing bad happens and he will get back to you."

I hummed in response. Pietro tugged on my hand a little, "So, where are you going?"

I shot him a look, "Well, seeing as it is in the middle of the week, I'm going to my job."

"Why are you walking? It's so slow."

I laughed, "Even the fastest car in the world would be slow to you Flash Gordon."

"True. What is Flash Gordon?"

"He's the protagonist of a space opera adventure comic."

Pietro considered a moment, "Is he really fast is that why you called me that."

"Eh not really, he's an average human mostly, but saved the Earth many times nonetheless."

"Tony usually picks some kind of nickname related to speed when he talks to me."

"Yeah, well, I figured so I wasn't going to do the same."

We were outside the library now and I turned to face him saying, "I'm glad you are back."

Pietro's smile was soft, "I want to take you out tonight."

"Okay, where?"

He kissed me and said, "It's a surprise."

"Boo, I hate surprises."

"Too bad, I'll meet you here after work." With a gust he was gone again and I smiled to myself as I walked up the steps of the library.


Nat and Clint had walked onto the university campus with the goal of meeting up with Lexi for lunch. They spotted her easily, she was sitting cross-legged under a tree and reading. Clint hadn't seen her in what felt like forever, and he hadn't even been able to really text her because of the sensitivity of the mission he, Steve, Pietro, and Nat had been sent on.

"Are you planning on asking her about training?" Nat asked.

Clint shrugged, during one of the many long nights that he and Nat had been on surveillance together he had expressed a worry about her safety considering her link to four Avengers. She might have her own enhanced powers, but that kind of thing only for you so far. If she was put into some kind of situation where her life was in dangerous he was worried she wouldn't be able to defend herself.

Nat suggested they get her into the kind of training all S.H.I.E.L.D employees are required to do. It was a good idea but he had no idea how to approach her about it.

"What if I bring it up to her?"

He stopped walking to look at Nat, "You think that will work?"

Nat rolled her eyes, "Well, I imagine that it might be better coming from someone who isn't going to focus on how he can't always be there to protect her yeah."

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