Prologue- The Contract

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3rd Person PoV


they were everything in the world and everyone only cared about them

nobody cared for someone with a weak or useless Quirk

and for those who had no quirk

it was Hell

many Qurkless people had horrible lives and those who didnt struggled through life and the society that excists

most quirkless kids never make it past High School

most Quirkless adults are either homeless or criminals

but that makes someone wonder what would they be willing to give up to stop this?

for any of them they'd say anything while others dont answer but it can easily be told that they are at their end

this life is what a young boy called Izuku Midoriya has to live with, the discrimination, beatings, threats all of it

all because of something he wasnt born with

even if his home life was decent everything else wasnt

school? bullying, unfair treatment and sabotaged grades

life when out in Musutafa? discrimination

when shopping? prices are raised, isnt allowed in, falsely reported for stealing

friends? none

this was the life Izuku Midoriya was dealt but some things could of been worse

if he had been born a girl he would of been raped a lot and nothing would be done about it

if his mother was abusive he would never want to be home

if he was homeless nobody would lend a hand to help him

with this life he still preservers and stays confident on his impossible dream of being a Pro Hero no Hero school would accept him without a Quirk even if he wasnt applying for the Heroics Course

but each day he lives Izuku tends to notice things others wouldnt

sudden disapperance no person notices

strange events that result in people being killed

eerie feelings around certain places and certain people he passes, like they were something else completely

but even if he were to tell somone about this who would believe a Quirkless teen?

and yet he still tries to help others when they dont need it causing him more pain and problems

somehow Izuku doesnt learn that helping others isnt alwys the right thing to do and that

sometimes it best to leave well enough Alone and walk away

Izuku PoV

it was a normal day for me and i still cant Believe All Might did a merchandise line with Arther, The Cavalry Hero who is high on the Ranks at 17th in popularity and he came here from Great Britain but when i saw him in person something felt off like that other person or the Hospital just before it had that mass suicide last year

either way i have to get some of it and it is limited edition so it might be harder to get but i will somehow

walking out of school hastily to avoid the daily beatings i managed to get out of school but i should head home quickly before Kacchan sees me

as i walked down the street towards where i lived a felt a hand grab my shoulder harshly and i was forcefully turned around to see Kacchan and his friends but he looked annoyed today

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