Chapter- 16 Let the Games Begin

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Izuku PoV

over the last 2 weeks I focused on Training my Quirk and Magic, hell I even killed 4 Witches over the time Training, and they were stronger than usual, but Shinso he talked to me a bit about somethings he and Yatsurei did before she passed however, I did give him some advice for the Sports Festival

Izuku- Shinso for the Sports Festival, don't rely on your Quirk, I may not know what it is but when its revealed people in the Hero Course will try and counter it so train in something as much as you can if it is with a sword or something then good

Shinso- you, have a good point, maybe I will but thanks for the advice I guess

soon enough the 2 weeks went by fast, and the day of the sports Festival began, and I left with Rumi as she wanted to watch it in person at the Stadium and because of her Top Hero Status she easily got herself in but sadly she couldn't get my Mom a seat inside so she has to watch from home but at least they will both be supporting me

Rumi carried me to UA like she has done a few times before this so I eventually got used to it and once again Reporters and other random people were surrounding the Gate so Rumi jumped over the wall and because she has done this so much Nezu gave up on trying to stop her and just gave her a pass so the Wall Sensors wouldn't go off

however, we ended up leaving each over as she went to get her seat in the Pro Hero section while I went to change into my Sports Uniform alone, like normal but once I was fully changed, I was sent to a waiting room with the rest of my class and as I read my Manga, I heard Mina complain about not being able to wear her costume

Ojiro- to keep everything fair we can't wear our costumes

Sato- I wonder what the first round will be?

Tokoyami- no matter what comes, we must deal with it

Shoji- right

suddenly Iida came from the hallway to announce we would be entering soon so as I was about to get up and leave, I heard Todoroki call me so putting down my Manga I look up at him

Todoroki- Midoriya

Midoriya- Todoroki, what is it?

I could feel everyone staring at us and it was a bit nerve racking but finally he spoke

Todoroki- looking at things objectively, I think we are equal in strength

nodding at his words he continued but what is the point of this?

Todoroki- but All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he? plus that Quirked Rapier of yours, I won't pry on that or how you came across such an item, but I'm going to beat you

Kaminari- oh? are the strongest ones making a declaration of war?

Kirishima, hey, hey, hey why are you picking a fight all of the sudden, we're about to start

Todoroki- I'm not here to play at being friends, so what does it matter

as the dual-coloured hair boy left the room everyone was quiet but before he could leave, I decided to say a few things to him

Izuku- Todoroki, I don't know why you are saying that but I will live up to your challenge so I hope we can have a good battle!

Todoroki looked at me before leaving and I swear I heard Kirishima whisper something about my words being Manly or something

not long after we all left to get to the Stadium Entrance where we walk in for everyone to clearly see but as I waited, I heard Present Mic fire up the crowd

Present Mic- Hey! pay attention Audience! swarm Mass Media this year's High School rodeo of adolescence that you all love, the UA Sports Festival is about to begin, Are, You, Ready?!

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