Chapter- 33 Time with Kiki before the Camp Part 1

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(Just a heads up the next few chapters will be 1 day of the week before the Training Camp and yes they will have hentai as i lost a bet with a friend of mine, but to anyone who is unsure of Izuku and Kiki's ages well here they are, Izuku-16 Kiki-15 so they arent to underage, yes by a little but not as bad to the point the fbi rushes in, i will point out where the Hentai starts and ends to those who want to avoid it

originally i wanted it to all be in a single chapter but changed my mind after some thoughts so sorry if this confused you- Tari)

Monday, 30 Celsius

Izuku PoV

the Training Camp starts next week, and Kiki can't go so we're spending a lot of time together and I'm super excited to see what we do! Kiki oversees deciding what we would do for the first half of the week while i was in charge of the rest


so, Kiki is taking me somewhere but I'm not too sure other than were near Dagobah and she has a bag with her but i don't know what's inside it and she won't tell me

Kiki- so when you were busy a while back i went on a walk and found this spot and nobody knows where it is! follow me and use you Magical Girl wish so nobody follows!

listening to Kiki i went invisible but i couldn't hide her so she ended up giving me the bag and told me not to look but to follow her as she walked behind, her people at the beach, it's nice to see people use it now

Kiki walked into a bush which looked difficult for a person without an animal Quirk to get into so i floated over and we ended up in a small trail surrounded by trees

letting myself go visible Kiki started to walk down the trail carefree whilst i followed and soon we hit an opening where a small but beautiful beach was waiting and nobody was here, no signs saying we can go here as well

walking on to the warm silky sand which felt so ice i quickly took of my sandals to enjoy its feeling but as i looked to Kiki i saw something i wasn't expecting

18+ Starts

Kiki suddenly took of her sundress and underwear leaving her completely nude, i immediately look away and asked what she thinks she is doing

Kiki- meh its fine, I've been coming here the past few days when you weren't looking and yesterday was super popular for the beach and nobody turned up, plus its well-hidden so imma strip, oh and there aren't any swimsuits in the bag, only towels and food

Izuku- still, people might come here and see us!

Kiki- not if we keep things secret, plus the beach is super noisy and i only found it because of my Quirk, so were fine now hold still!

suddenly Kiki tackled me pushing me to the ground with the bag falling behind us and she started to try and take of my own sundress, i didn't want to be naked outside so i fought back trying to hold it on but that was a mistake


my dress tore and it left me front exposed, anyone could have seen my underwear now, but Kiki was smiling at this

Kiki- there we go Nee-Chan, now let's set up the towel and stuff!

Kiki quickly got off me and took the bag while i sat up looking back at by torn dress, i liked this dress a lot and it was ruined...

Kiki- you are coming or what? i want to swim in a bit before eating so hurry up Nee-Chan!

she's insane, swimming naked in daylight, people might see her, and she can't go invisible! if Kiki is seen then it's over! but i can feel the warm sand better, maybe she is right? i mean I'm still in my underwear so it's not that bad? plus if anyone comes i have Invisibility and Smokescreen

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