Chapter 33 Pt 6 The Weekend

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Saturday, 39 Celsius

No more proper 18+ stuff from here on, other than a mention or hinting at it

as the morning went by Inko and Kiki returned to Jakku Hospital after a phone call saying they managed to stabilize Izuku, but they had news for all of them concerning her health

once they arrived at Izuku's room they saw that she looked ok

but she was still hooked up to various machines which monitored her health as well as made sure nothing went wrong but overall, she looks well

Izuku- oh, hey

Kiki- you're ok!

Kiki quickly rushed to Izuku and hugger her tightly but not enough to hurt her and Inko quickly joined with tears falling from her eyes

Izuku- I'm ok, don't worry I'm still hear you 2

Kiki- b-b-but it was my fault! if we d-d-didn't

Izuku- Kiki, its ok, i used my Quirk like that and it caused this, but I'm still alive so I'm fine

???- ah you're all here, my name is Doctor Kyudai Garaki and i have some news regarding Midoriya-Chan's heart

Inko- w-what is Dr Garaki?

Dr. Garaki- well whatever she did with her Quirk has damaged her heart badly, it will recover but it will take all summer, and i know you're a Hero in Training but for your safety and health, no Training until you recover

Kiki- well i g-guess you can't go on the Training Camp

Izuku- yeah, i was looking forward to it!

Dr. Garaki- ah yes, I've also told your Principal at UA about this, and he said he would come here to speak with you later, and before i leave, you will have to stay the next few nights here so we can make sure everything is ok

as the Doctor left the 3 girls processed the doctors' words with different reactions

Inko hoped that Nezu would take her baby off the Hero Course

Izuku hoped she'd stay on that course

Kiki hoped Izuku would stay happy

thankfully they didn't have to wait long as Nezu soon arrived with his normal smile showing

Nezu- ah i hope you're doing well Young Midoriya but i do believe we have an important topic to discuss but before that i have a small gift for you

suddenly Nezu pulled out a box from who knows where and it was wrapped neatly with a cute bow on it

when Izuku opened it, she saw a pair of pink ribbons, similar to her old ones but they looked much better in quality

Nezu- i noticed your ribbons weren't in the best condition so i took the liberty of buying you knew ones! now then on to the main reason I'm here

Izuku- the Training Camp

Nezu- yes, now due to your condition you will not be attending but instead you will receive special lessons with me at UA instead!

Inko- b-but Izuku's heart! shouldn't she be taken off the Hero Course!?

Nezu- while that is possible i see no reason as the good doctor here said Young Midoriya will be back in good health by the end of summer, yes, she would fall behind in Physical Training she would flourish from strategies and analysis of Villains, as strength alone doesn't make a good Hero

Kiki- can i stay with Izuku when she goes to these lessons?

Nezu- of course! naturally i believe you would be her caretaker due to your relationship

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