Chapter- 32 Back Home

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Izuku PoV

it's been a day since Rumi Snapped and the I-Island Tower fell, things weren't so good for this place, plus the Expo was cancelled

and Rumi... the doctors believe she is in a Coma and won't wake up for a long time, maybe in a few months if we're lucky and her Soul Gem has changed, instead of its normal yellow colour it gone pure White with no signs of Corruption so i don't even know if she is safe

Kiki on the other hand managed to come out mostly fine other than a few cuts and bruises and Kirishima along with Kachan somehow managed to get stuck on the 80th floor before the tower collapsed and they came out bad

both were in full body casts and were hospitalised but with Recovery Girl they should be fine to go to the Training Camp next week

somehow, they didn't know who it other than the person responsible for the "attack" is dead, so Rumi won't get in much trouble when she wakes up, which I'm glad for because i don't want her to get arrested immediately after she wakes up

something tells me Nezu had something to do with it but honestly i don't want to know plus he somehow got me a few Grief Seeds

and now I'm in bed with Kiki who was released from the Hospital an hour after she got there but there is still a lot more people who need help on this Island and i want to help them but it's still early in the morning and i can't sleep

but Kiki's warmth is nice so maybe i will sleep soon? i don't know i haven't got a clue but i know I'm savouring this moment however Kiki has clingy when she sleeps

she is cuddling me a bit tightly but i like it plus her hair smells like cinnamon which was nice

i decided to lift Kiki up a bit before placing an ear on her chest so i could listen to her heartbeat peacefully and it gave a strange but welcome comfort letting me fall asleep easier

Time Skip

after a while we managed to get home and we couldn't help with the search effort on the Island because of our age and apparently "Trauma" which is kind of true? i just fought by Big Sis and ended up putting her in a Coma to save her and everyone

but at least we're moving into the new apartment Rumi got us, even if she won't be living here for a while but i won't be alone at least but there's the Summer Training Camp where i won't be able to see Kiki but it's in a week so I'm going to spend all this time with Kiki

once we moved in i noticed we were the only ones on this floor, but it won't be noisy i guess, better than our last apartment, sometimes i couldn't sleep because of the noise in the apartment above us

even if we had multiple rooms Kiki insisted, we shared which i didn't mind but it meant Rumi would be sleeping alone when she gets back and now i won't need to share my bed with 2 other girls

plus, the main room was much bigger so we could have more people over, if we even had any to invite over but we didn't have much to decorate it with so it was fairly empty in some areas but there was a few Grief Seeds ready to be used, Rumi must have had gotten sent here before I-Island

and now it's getting a bit late, and Mom said she had a surprise for us, and we could find out soon which is nice i guess but right now i was sitting on the couch with Kiki's head on my lap while enjoying the quietness

suddenly someone had knocked on the door so gently lifting Kiki's head off my lap and onto a pillow i went to answer the door but when i had opened it there was someone i wasn't expecting waiting there

Mitsuki- oh i think i have the wrong apartment sorry dear

Izuku- Aunt Mitsuki? what are you doing here?

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