Chapter- 24 Back to Mitakihara!

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Izuku PoV

it's been a day since the Attack on Hosu but with Endeavour being in Hosu the Nomu's were killed fairly quickly but many people were still hurt in the fires they caused

and Iida had to get surgery from his wounds in his arm while Todoroki only had some bruising and minor cuts and i was completely fine, but they kept me in the hospital to make sure nothing was wrong

now I'm sitting in my bed along with Iida and Todoroki who were in their respective beds but like i always do i was nose deep in my Manga while they just talked to each over

Iida- still I'm glad we lived, even if i couldn't avenge my brother Midoriya showed me something i won't forget

Todoroki- a extraordinary display of swordsmanship?

Iida- that and i don't need to avenge my brother by defeating Stain, his words told me helping others will do but i still don't understand how we escaped, Midoriya fell into the alley then my mind goes hazy

Todoroki- same here, Midoriya how did we escape and what happened to Native?

looking up from my Manga i told them the lie i came up with

Izuku- i was able to convince Stain to spare you but i couldn't save Native, he died and i lost his body whilst running, I'm sorry

Iida- what for? you saved our lives, I'm indebted to you but i do feel bad about Native, Midoriya don't feel down because of Native, you still saved some lives so accept that

Todoroki- i agree there wasn't anything you could have done he most likely bled out and Stain probably got to him, but Midoriya, have you gotten smaller?

Iida- Todoroki its rude to ask such things! but he is right you were taller at the start of the Year

its true back then i was like 5"3 and now I'm 4"9

Izuku- so? getting comfy and cute clothes is much easier

Iida- i see...

as Todoroki was nodding at my words i still felt bad about Native but the door suddenly opened and Gran Torino along with Manual came in

Gran Torino- oh so you're all awake then?

Izuku- oh Gran Torino

Iida- Manual...

Gran Torino- kid i got a bunch of complaints for you, but you all have a visitor

then a man who towered over me and my own height of 4"9, but he had a dog's head and i recognised him as Hosu's chief of police Kenji Tsuragame

Tsuragame- oh you don't need to stand, woof, you're the UA Students who encountered the Hero Killer?

Iida- y-yes but Midoriya was the only one who stood on equal ground to him

Tsuragame- hmm i read that in the report, woof, but you failed to capture him, and he escaped, correct?

Izuku- y-yes

Tsuragame- no matter, woof, the information on his Quirk and fighting style will help us a lot, woof, but the possible death of Native is a tragic one

Iida- d-did you find his body?

Tsuragame- no not yet woof

yeah, they won't find it, Native was left in a Labyrinth as it collapsed, those who die in a Labyrinth are never found

Tsuragame- anyways i do have something i need to ask, you all used Quirks to fight him, correct?

Iida- y-yes

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