Sneak peak for the future

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Right then! To get you excited for whats to come for the Magical Girl We love, here's a sneak peak I made for a chapter in the far future, like a few seasons away, feel free to theorise about what happens! Who knows it might be true!

The rain had stopped, Izuku stood on one side in her Magical Girl clothes, unlike her well know outfit this was different

Consisting of a black dress that is longer in the back, similar to her True Form. The top of this dress is a heart-shaped plunging neckline

with the inside of the chest piece being sharp to mimic feathers. She has a similarly paired choker, with a bow-and-arrow shaped piece that lays flatly across her chest. Moving down to the bodice portion of the dress, the sides are cut to where only the middle portion of her torso is covered, while the rest, including the back, is fully revealed. The bottom points outwards to either side, the ends being feathers to give a "Fallen angel" concept. The inside of the skirt resembles a universe, just as her True Form's dress. She also wore thigh-high socks that follow a diamond pattern.

The outfit is complete with black flat shoes with an anklet piece attached, and full-length gloves that end with two strands.

While on the other side stood her classmates, all fuelled with determination and nervousness

Izuku- I already told you, I'm fine-

Bakugo interrupted with strong laugher before speaking with an amused voice while clapping sarcastically

Bakugo- HAHAHA real funny! Coming from you the Mighty Inheritor of One for All and a Magical Girl but tell us this. Are ya smilin still?

Izuku- those smiles, to give people peace of mind, that's why I smiled, I don't need to now so Get Out Of My Way

Bakugo- do your Fucking worst!

Iida- everyone, we knew it might come to this, stay strong

Uraraka- yeah...

Slowly the rain began to pick up, drenching everyone in its cold embrace, the area was tense, nobody else in sight

Bakugo- heard you unlocked some more magic shit! Like that will matter!

With a cold stare Izuku looked up as the wind make her black hair covered her eye, her Soul Gem started to glow a dark purple As Magic gathered around her hand

Izuku- I warned you, from now on I will treat you all as if your a Witch

With no warning lighting stuck the ground as smoke covered the area, but before anyone could react Izuku shot above Bakugo with a spear in hand and shot it down to him

That's all folks! Now feel free to theorise how it lead up to this, and what will happen here!

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