Chapter- 29 Pool time with some Yuri

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Izuku PoV

Summer break was going on and Kiki along with myself were enjoying into the full extent, we're sleeping in and it's like 1 in the afternoon

plus, we're moving soon because Rumi got us a new apartment closer to UA and it was bigger than this one

anyways right now I'm starting to wake up, but Kiki was clinging on to me and she's comfy so i don't care!

while i was enjoying myself someone had knocked on my door so carrying Kiki who clinged onto me like a koala i answered to see Ashido?

Ashido- hey Midoriya, all of us are going to use the Pool in UA for fun want to join? Kiki is also welcome!

Izuku- one second let me ask my sleepy friend here, Kiki wake up

i gently shook Kiki who woke up and asked sleepily

Kiki- wha? Nee-Chan what is it?

Izuku- my classmates are inviting us to go to the Pool at UA should we go?

Kiki- Pool? ok... i guess, do i need to swim?

Ashido- nah! just coming is fine!

Kiki- ok then, but i don't have a swimsuit

Izuku- Nezu probably put some in for us in that bag i won, Ashido we'll join just give us a moment

Ashido- sure we're waiting in the parking lot oh and call me Mina!

closing the door i put Kiki down who just fell on to the floor before falling asleep, so i left her there to check the Nezu Bag and among the clothes i found were, formal dresses for a fancy party, pyjamas, Nezu's Autobiography "How to take over the world!" and swimsuits!

let's see, yup there is 2 and they are ladled just like the rest of the clothes, and there's one for me and one for Kiki and their matching, well that's nice then

grabbing them i put both swimsuits in a bag before changing myself and Kiki who was passed out then putting the sleeping Raccoon Girl over my shoulder i walk down to meet up with the girls

Jiro- uh why is your sister on your shoulder?

Izuku- she's sleepy and don't worry about it

Yaoyorozu- well should we get going?

we ended up taking Yaoyorozu's limo there and once we arrived i woke Kiki up properly before we got changed but i noticed everyone was wearing school swimsuits while me and Kiki wore our own...

Izuku- why are you all wearing School Swimsuits?

Tsuyu- it's the rules, do you not have any?

Izuku- no, we're using the ones Nezu gave me and that bag i won so i don't think he minds it

Jiro- oh heads up i heard the perv say how he managed to get permission to use the pool for "Endurance Training" so that might be a problem

Izuku- oh i have an idea

i may have a grin on my face but this will be good, Mineta is too weird around me and the girls so this will stop him


Midoriya- hey i heard Mineta and Kaminari were doing Endurance Training and asked me to tell you that this was open to the rest of the boys

Iida- thank you Midoriya i shall let everyone know about this, but what about the girls?

Midoriya- we got permission to use it for fun, so we'll be there

Izuku- ok i told Iida that they wanted me to tell him to bring all the boys, now they will have to train!

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