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So your probably wondering what this is and I won't try to delay it and I'll pull a Karasuma and be blunt

I'm burnt out

I need a break from this fic as I have no inspiration or ideas for it, so don't expect any updates from June to July, I may update in end of July and august but I will hopefully be back for September

Now you may wonder will I make anything until then, well I will as I have been wanting to make a few things which I will try my hand at

First my next project which I'd like to do is a Neptunia story because I want to and i like that series a lot or an overlord fanfic as i dont see many plus i have a few ideas

second is if anyone has any suggestions for what i could do with the fic let me know as i do want to finish this one and im close

if anything this story is close to its end so if you want to see something happen then just let me know

once again thanks for reading this and supporting me with this fanfic

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