Chapter- 20 Sports Festival cancelled!? and a Message

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Present Mic PoV

welp, I wonder which listener will win this round and hopefully its better than the first match of the tournament

but still where is he? I'm getting worried and nobody has seen him other than Midoriya who is about to fight and 2 other Hero's which I don't even know where they are


huh? a message from the teacher's chat?

UA Staff Chat

Nezu- Yamada announce the cancellation of the Sport's Festival

Scream! - uh why? was it that Villain who got in

Nezu- yes

Scream! - on it! and do you know anything about Sho?

Nezu- the Villain has taken his arm and he is in surgery with Recovery Girl, now announce the thing just told you to!

Sex-Machine- Aizawa's down? oh shit

Zygote- not to worry the Villain has been dealt with

No Legs! - captured?

Zygote- killed, I had no choice it was Aizawa or the Villain

damn it Sho you had to get hurt that bad, ugh let's get this over with

Present Mic- Stop the fight! I have a major announcement

the fight didn't even start so why did I say to stop when they didn't start?

doesn't matter just got to tell everyone I hope I don't get lynched by the crowd

Present Mic- the sports Festival has been cancelled, everyone must leave as there has been an incident, so for your safety please leave in a calm and orderly manner, on behalf of UA we are sorry for this inconvenience, and we will release the reason behind this in the near future, I'm sorry

the crowd began to yell in anger over my announcement and some even threw their food and drinks at my booth but at least some of them understand me and have begun to leave but I might need some help

Present Mic- all Hero's present please assist with getting everyone out safely and you will all be informed of the reason we are cancelling this event thank you

I need a break after this

Izuku PoV

so, they are cancelling it, that sucks but with Aizawa-Sensei's injury it makes sense but what excuse did they use? eh I can find out later but too bad I can keep going in the tournament

Mina- aw man its cancelled?

Izuku- that sucks

Mina- I know right!? I would have beaten you though

Izuku- no I would have won but we can find out in our next fight

Mina- I guess your right but it still sucks

we both ended up walking to our class together while talking about some random things plus she mentioned she knew a few places that would sell some cute thing that would suit me a lot and she would take me there when we had some time

once we had reached the seats which our classmates were sitting at, we waited for a while before a Hero told us that UA Students needed to be at the main building before, we get checked over but honestly, it's a bit annoying that we all must do this

Time Skip

finally, its over! I can go home and sleep, maybe get head pats from Rumi like I did to her but now that I think about it where even is she?

looking around I couldn't see her nearby and I'm just outside UA so she has to be inside or somewhere else, maybe giving Rumi a phone call will work?

trying this I didn't get an answer from Rumi, so I was left to walk home alone but while walking home something felt off it gave me the feeling that I was being watched but by who?

continuing my journey home the feeling didn't go away and its worrying because I don't know who I could have annoyed for them to follow me unless it's a Villain, maybe the Hand-Covered on from the USJ? he was angry that I killed the thing it called Nomu but I wouldn't think he would try this so soon, ok Izuku don't panic I can try to lure them somewhere and confront them? it might work but even when I looked around I couldn't see them

quickly I take one last look around and nobody was following me, but I felt it but maybe I can stop in that cafe and see if they follow me?

walking into the cafe I take a seat at a random table with enough room for a few others to sit at and soon enough my possible stalker sits down in front of me but at least she had the decency to ask if they could sit there

but her appearance felt familiar yet new for some reason, the girl had waist-length black hair and violet eyes, she presents herself with an emotionless, stoic look on her face and a black hairband on her head.

but time to ask the question

Izuku- why were you following me?

Possible Stalker- I know you a Magical Girl, don't worry I am also one, but I have something I need to tell you

wait she knows!? who is this girl? and what does she need to tell me?

Possible Stalker- be ready a greater tragedy is coming, and it will destroy everything

what? a greater tragedy? and when will it arrive, I have so many questions now!

Izuku- what tragedy? and who are you?

Possible Stalker- you can call me Homura, and it will arrive soon maybe in a month or a year I do not know

Izuku- then why are you telling me this?

Homura- I have my reasons but I must go now

Homura quickly left the cafe while I sat here and processed what she had just said, a greater tragedy? and it's coming within a year? if she isn't lying then what is this tragedy? a Witch? a Villain or maybe something else?

deciding to talk about it with someone else later I head home without getting anything, but her words stayed in my head for the rest of the day

To Be Continued 

Soul Gem Corruption

Izuku- 15%

Rumi- 4%

Yaoyorozu- 13%

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