Chapter 35- The End of an Era

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Over the next day both Izuku and Kiki continued to work with Nezu at the station even in their states, thankfully a trip to Recovery Girl was all Kiki needed to walk properly again after she shot herself

Luckily, they didn't need to do much outside the station after last time, but it was still boring to be stuck in the station and doing paperwork or investigating footage for clues and such

But overall things were calm for them until a sudden call that Nezu got changed everything

Nezu- Midoriya, Narukami I have bad news

Izuku- what is it?

Nezu- the Training Camp was attacked with 2 Students being taken by the League of Villains

Kiki- w-who?

Nezu- Bakugo and Tokoyami, we have work to do, come on we need to go to UA

Wasting no time Captain Kamisato prepared a car for the 3 before making sure they made it to UA as fast as possible


Nezu prepared a press conference to appease the public's while he put his plan into play, creating a team of Hero's to strike and save both Bakugo and Tokoyami

When Izuku asked how he knew where the Villains where it was only thanks to Yaoyorozu who had managed to place a tracker on a Nomu and a Villain who escaped

Nezu- now I'm sure you'll want to help your classmates; however, I cannot let you go into the field in your current state, but I will allow you to help will logistically support during the raid

Izuku- thanks, even if it's only through that I still want to help as much as I can, even if it's Bakugo

Kiki- what about me?

Nezu- you will be on the interview with me, while Midoriya will be with Detective Tsukauchi providing support, I will allow the use of a Crossbow if you should become endangered but don't take that responsibility lightly, if you go in and try and help when you're not supposed to, I will have you removed from the operation

Izuku- I-I understand sir, can we visit the others in the hospital before the raid?

Nezu- of course, I'm sure you want to speak with them and that's our current destination


We arrived at the hospital where we were taken to the hospital room of everyone who needed it and were awake which was just Yaoyorozu who looked exhausted, but she still wore her Soul Gem proudly

Plus, everyone was here visiting her, I'm glad

Izuku- hey, everyone how are you?

Iida- Midoriya! Your here, that's good and all of us are relatively fine, but what about Narukami? She has a leg injury!

Izuku- that, that's here fault, she shot herself by accident, all because she found a gun in the desk she used, but she's fine right Kiki?

Kiki- yup! I'm okay!

Kaminari- how do you shoot yourself by accident? You know what I don't want to know

Ashido- same here, oh Yaomomo now that all of us are here, what did you want to say?

Huh? She waited for us to say something.

Yaoyorozu- i put a tracker on a Nomu during the attack, i handed the receiver to the Hero's but i want to help more! that's why, i made a second receiver so i want to go and help save Bakugo and Tokoyami! please, everyone help me do this

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