Chapter- 28 After the Exams and a Special Trip!

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No PoV

it's been an hour since the 1-A Final Exams ended and many were happy with the results while some were worried as they didn't beat their opponent, or they fell asleep before it finished but the class were worried for their friend Izuku as his Exam was tougher than everyone else's with that Mechanical Monster he faced and the memory he relived

but they didn't need to worry as he was resting from his fight, and he needed it

soon once he was awake and in more comfy clothes Nezu provided and most of his classmates surrounded him making sure he was ok

Izuku- thanks, i feel better knowing your hear for me

Uraraka- Midoriya you don't need to go through that again just tell us if you need help!

Iida- yes, you helped me when i though i didn't need it so i will do the same

Tsuyu- Midoriya i can tell you were scared and its ok, i remember a Hero say how they smiled to tell everyone they were ok, Kero

not long after everyone had to head home but tomorrow would be the last day before summer break and they would find out if they pass or fail the Finals

The Next Day

Izuku PoV

yesterday was tough but I'm glad it's over and we get our results! which I'm kinda worried for but who knows if everyone passes? I'm sure most of us do but Sero, did he pass? that is something i do not know just yet so imma wait for him to see his results, plus I should use the Grief Seed Rumi gave me last night, meh I can to it in the toilet later

Ashido- everyone. I'm looking forward... to hearing your stories about... the training camp

i feel bad for her Ashido is crying maybe i can cheer her up?

walking up to her i decided to give my pink friend a nice hug which she gladly accepted, and she cried into my hair, i need to wash it later, but while i let her b cry into my hair Kaminari mumbled on how bad their situation is with summer school and no trip

then Aizawa Sensei arrived so we all quickly went to our seats within a second, but Ashido refused to let me go and i was stuck on her lap

Aizawa- Ashido, why is Midoriya in your lap? and stop crying in their hair

without saying anything she let me go so i sat down and Aizawa Sensei explained the results and for the ones who won't be going to the Training Camp

Aizawa- and accordingly for the Training Camp in the woods.... Everyone's Going!


Aizawa- yeah, nobody failed the written test, but some failed the Practical, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, Kirishima, Bakugo and Sero

ah Sero failed after all

but then Aizawa went on about how all the teachers left a way to pass while assessing them on a tough challenge and how with my Exam it was to see how i would cope against something which terrified me, but he did say Nezu went a bit too far with it

oh, he did also ridicule Bakugo on trying to face an impossible opponent on his own even if he were on his own but that doesnt matter, but he did also say there would be extra lessons for those who failed the Practical, sucks to be them!

Later After School

packing my things Ojiro and some others began to talk about the camp while saying how he needed to pick up some things for it and everyone said about a certain thing they needed and before i knew it, they organised a class trip to pick up all the things we need but when they said it was at Kiyashi i knew i couldn't go

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