Chapter- 9 Trial by Battle

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Izuku PoV

it's been a few days since UA started and it was mostly normal with how things are run with the lessons, but they are taught by Hero's, which is a strange feeling, but I don't mind it however I have noticed something

the Pink Girl I think her name is Mina Ashido, something is off about her because she stares at me often like she knows me from somewhere but is too scared to speak to me, like me when I see certain Hero's but due to Rumi, I don't get too scared, but it happens now and then

although I'm curious to learn why she is doing this as it makes me feel uncomfortable at times maybe I should ask her about it? maybe when we have to work together in our Hero Training lessons? either way I should do that later

but now our next lesson of the day is our First Heroics one so I'm a bit excited to see what's going to happen for this

suddenly the door slammed open and a loud voice yelling "I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON" could be heard as All Might appeared in his Silver Age Costume and everyone was talking about him really being a teacher, but I can't help but worry if he is really qualified for this, ahh he probably is I mean Nezu wouldn't let him teach here if he wasn't right?

All Might- I teach Basic Hero Training, it is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a Hero, you'll take the most Units in this Subject so let's get right into it, this is what we will do today Combat Training!

he showed us all a card which had Battle written on it in English and I heard Kachan yell "fight training" so he must be excited, and I hope he doesn't hurt anyone too much and he pointed to a wall which opened to reveal brief cases with numbers on them for each of us and according to All Might these are our Hero Costumes

he then told us to change into them and report to Battle Grounds B and everyone quickly took theirs while I grabbed mine and went to my changing room

once I had gotten inside, I locked the door so nobody could peek or something and I open it to see it all folded neatly so I take it out and place it on the ground to see the design and I liked it

it was puffy pink dress with two bows arranged at either side of her skirt. the costume sports two bows in for my hair, supporting my twin-tails I planned to add, as well as a red ribbon around the neck, which is tied in a bow in the back. The front of the torso has a pale-yellow segment surrounded by white frills with a white placket running down the centre, decorated by five red buttons. then it has two small straps that connect from the front to the back of the dress over the shoulders, and short, puffy sleeves with frilly ends. In between my shoulder blades and just below my neck, there is a heart-shaped hole in the back of the costume. the skirt's ends are akin to a flower's petals; there are seven separate petal-shaped segments of the dress, which are all decorated with a red edge and three white teardrop-shaped designs, lay atop a big, white petticoat, which is notably frilly underneath. there is also a pair of white gloves with pink trims around the wrists, white, knee-high stockings with frills just below the knee, and red, heeled shoes with ribbons tied behind them.

now this is a Hero Costume and I'm sticking with the Magical Girl type costume, but I didn't want it to be my Magical Girl outfit just in case I get spotted when hunting Witches or something plus its cute need I say more?

once I managed to put it on, I went to the meeting point where I was the last one to arrive as I spent a while figuring it out, but everyone looks so cool with their own costumes

All Might- They say clothes make than Man, young men and ladies, be fully aware from now on you are Hero's, that's great everyone you look cool, now shall we begin you Zygotes

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