Chapter- 31 Saving a Dear Sister from herself

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i recommend you play the music when you read this, i did while writing it and its good, plus it fits the chapter

No PoV

as the party to begin the I-Expo went on peacefully everyone thought nothing could go wrong until a sudden shockwave shot past the room knocking many off their feet and before they even had a chance to get up a sudden wave of bullets shot past with deafening bangs to follow

an insane laugh could be heard from the balcony as the Hero Mirko now responsible for this attack was laughing at what she had done but as she was going to send a second wave of destruction, she was stopped by Izuku who had multiple bullet holes inside her which were slowly closing

Izuku- stop this! you're going to hurt everyone!

Rumi- oh your alive? good, now please my adorable little sister, step aside and let me finish up here!

just as she was about to send a second more devastating wave of hell, she was interrupted by a spear being thrown at her, but it barely missed leaving Rumi to giggle more

Rumi- hehehe~ so a new Magical Girl tries to stop me? i think i should just kill you!

suddenly 2 large cannons appeared and the first one fired causing the cannon to destroy itself from its own power

and by some miracle the devastating shot missed, but it destroyed most of the Tower Floor leaving the whole thing unstable and more guests either dead or injured

Yaoyorozu- Midoriya! get up quickly we need to defeat her!

Izuku- how!? she never had this power before!

Todoroki- Midoriya what do you mean she never had this power? did Mirko have some sort of secret Quirk?

Izuku- this isn't the time for that! we need to get everyone out of here quickly and the Tower might come crashing down soon!

before they could plan their next move Rumi used the second cannon destroying it, but it did its job with sending a devastating attack towards the Hero's and Magical Girl

without thinking Izuku Powered up One for All at her highest percentage 20% while also Transforming into a Magical Girl, just as Izuku was about to summon her Rapier to try and block time seemed to slow down to a halt and a shadowy figure emerged before clearing up to see their body more easily

it was a lean man with short, white hair that parts away from the base of his forehead, and thin eyes that slant slightly downward. he had two scar-like cracks stretching from the left side of his forehead down to his chin.

Unknown Man- it seems like my time has come, my name is Hikage Shinomori, the 4th user of One for All, and i believe you know the drill from 7 and 6? well now it's my turn, firstly my Quirk is Danger Sense, kinda like the Spider Sense Spiderman has

Izuku- who?

Hikage- ah, he did get censored because of Quirks and i only learned about him from the 1st, don't worry he was just a Comic Book Hero, plus it seems you will gain a new weapon like you did with the other 2 although like En i don't know what you will get

before Izuku could say anymore Hikage started to fade away and time was about to resume but before it did a long Shield which was a bit bigger than her body appeared instead of the Rapier she tried to summon, and the devastating attack hit at full force

Izuku was slowly being pushed back from the attack, but she held her ground before forcing the Shield to push the attack into a different direction causing a gigantic Explosion making Bakugo's look like sparks compared to it

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