Chapter-5 A Gift and an Exam

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Izuku PoV

as i got home i felt the stress from today start to go away a bit but it wasnt even past lunch time yet though All Might told me to meet him at the beach later on after i rest a bit and clean-up he even made a small joke of showing up in my Magical Girl form which i might do but i haven't decided

once i was home Mom wasnt there probably gone to work she normally does around this time so i was alone for a while until she gets back later

going into the bathroom i decided to wash up first and as i had just finished i he shower i had noticed that i look a bit different to the last time as my Hair was a brighter green and i was a bit shorter now

am i seriously becoming a Loli Trap or something like that? if so, it's going to be annoying for a while but i can live with it soon either way i should start tying my hair up as it is getting really long now

my hair is almost down to my waist but before it was not too far from my shoulders why is this happening so suddenly? maybe the Soul Gem?

deciding to ignore it for now i left to get changed but my clothes were somehow bigger on me, ok what the hell is happening to me?

looking through my clothes not many would fit anymore but one thing did which i wouldn't want to wear for the Exam but since I'm not doing the Practical portion according to Nezu it should be fine right?

once i made sure i was fully dry i put on the outfit i got when Big Sis stole the lobster which was that unique pink dress, but it fit perfectly even though when i was taller it had fitted me perfectly?

why did it suddenly change size to fit me perfectly i don't know but it could be a Quirk infused item if so why was it on the cheaper side? strange but it did come with a book which i couldn't read as it was written in a different language which wasnt Japanese or English but it felt right to keep it and i can try to translate it later as a challenge

once the dress was fully on i decided to also tie by hair into the Twin Drills which were longer than last time, but it still looked better than last time i did it

soon once i had fully put on the dress i left the house but i id make sure to tell All Might i was on my way to the meeting point but as i walked there i was stopped by the girl from earlier and she still had a lot of the injuries she got from our battle and probably from when i threw her into the city

Unknown Girl- wait, calm down I'm not here to fight

i didn't even move, but ok?

Unknown Girl- I'm just here to say i won't try to take over the area again, you have All Might on your side so i won't win but if we meet again i want to have a fight again but I'm leaving so see yeah

the girl left while limping, but she was soon out of site after she turned into an Alley so i just kept going to the Beach where All Might would be waiting for me so i best not keep him waiting

walking towards the beach naturally got a few stares from the people in the area from my clothes but as i arrived i saw All Might waiting in his true form so i walked up to him and tapped him on the back as he is still a lot taller than me, seriously he is like over 6 feet in his true form while when he is working as a Hero his height is over 7 feet which compared to my small height which is now around 5"2 which is strange

currently my Theory is that my Soul Gem from Kyubey's contract is changing my body for a reason which I'm not sure on but so far, it's made my face, hair, height, and body change a lot and i don't know when the changes will stop which is worrying to say the least however there is an up to the changes

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