Chapter-6 A Hero's Experience

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Izuku PoV

after a few days All Might hadn't reached out to me neither did Aizawa or anyone else at UA my guess is that they aren't allowed to speak with any applicants until the results are realised which would make sense to ensure secrecy or something but it would of been nice to know that and not talk to me at all

either way it's annoying that I can't talk to him now but I have things to do instead of worrying about exam results like killing Witches which I should probably do as I haven't ad a Grief Seed to use since the Exams so my Soul Gem is fairly corrupted right now so I'm thinking a few weak seeds or a strong seed should work but where to find one? Mustafa is my territory but not many Witches have been appearing recently probably from my constant hunting maybe I should let them build up a bit and kill a few while leaving a few alive for later?

would that be wrong? would I be looked down on for it? I mean who would know? the Hero's? they don't even know about the Witches so it should be fine and if I really need to I can just go to different city and steal a kill there but that would mean a possible fight against a different Magical Girls

ignoring the thought for now I decided to leave home for a while and walk around the area to clear my head a bit

while walking around it was quiet as it was the evening and I liked it I could only hear the sounds of the park and a few cars in the distance

deciding to set down on the bench I looked up to see the sky turning darker as the sun was setting it was calming

???- that damn bird who does he think he is.

who was that? and who is this bird they are talking about? and why are they annoyed

looking towards the voice I saw a figure who was turned away from me so I count see their face but they had long white hair and dark skin, and they had Rabbit ears along with a small round tail, must be a Rabbit mutation Quirk but they weren't wearing a Hero Costume so they are probably not a Hero either way they sound annoyed maybe I could help

Izuku- uh miss you sound annoyed would you like to vent it out?

Rabbit girl- huh? oh a kid ah what the hell why not

we both went back to the bench I had been sitting on and I let her vent

5 Minutes Later

so after her Venting I learned a few things about her, firstly she is Mirko the Rabbit Hero and that she insists on me calling her Rumi her first name as she wasn't working plus if I tried to call her Usagiyama her family name she would kick me as it "makes her feel old"

and the reason she was venting was because the Hero Hawks was being a jerk and annoying her to much causing her to snap and the reason for that was on an argument for what was better

Carrots or Chicken

I don't even know what to say about that but seriously that was the argument? carrots or chicken?

deciding to be nice and calm her down I said Carrots were better and I saw a smirk on her face that definitely cheered her up

Rumi- hmm well I think we will get along just fine little girl so we-

Izuku- I'm a boy

Rumi- eh? what now?

I ended up giggling at her confused face before she suddenly grabbed my crotched and squeezed it

Izuku- ah! ah! get off Get off GET OFF!

Rumi- yup you are a boy, you tricked me there but anyways tell me about yourself I'm curious

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