Chapter-2 Test of Friendship

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after Izuku's encounter with his first Witch and a fellow Magical Girl who didn't take kindly to his debut as a Magical Girl, he decided to take things more slow and to train his new abilities more often through that week letting him get stronger but learn more about Magical Girls through research but most things he looked into were old Magical Girl anime's from the early 2000's and they only went on for around 60 years before they became rarer and soon they stopped making them by the time Quirks appeared

however watching them has given him many ideas on how to improve as a magical Girl and that he doesn't need to copy his favourite heroes like he had intended on doing but due to him wanting to copy All Might the most and realising that he wouldn't be able to do what he can with attacks he ended up copying Magical Girls that used Bows in the different anime's he watched

and during the week he did fight a single witch to restore his Soul Gem from training with Magic, but he was lucky enough to not run into the girl from last time and his skill with his Bow has improved but not too much he still misses a lot of arrows on smaller targets that move around

then there was life in school which remained the same as he didn't tell anyone about his quirk knowing that it was a bad idea as he would probably get beaten up by Bakugo for "hiding" it

and so, with the week passing by fairly well he continued this schedule for a few months but after the 2nd month Kyubey left and didn't come back most likely to find more contracts or something and on the 4th month Izuku ran into the girl again while fighting a witch, but both agreed to fight together for that battle then talk or fight after it

somehow once the fight against the with was over they didn't try to fight instead they talked and the girl whose name was Hana Shiozaki, and she was older than Izuku even though they look the same age

after talking things out they got along fairly well, and they even told each over what they used their wish on

Hana had used hers to give her little sister a Quirk just like hers as she was born Quirkless while Izuku used his for Invisibility

when Hana asked why he did that Izuku said that he felt like being invisible might be better for him as he is bullied a lot in school which Hana understood as her little sister was bullied when she was first diagnosed as Quirkless

one thing which made Hana surprised is that when Izuku went out of his Magical Girl form and looked more boyish she didn't realise that Izuku was a boy and though he was a girl due to him looking and sounding like one as well as being a Magical Girl and even when he isn't one he still looks fairly girly just his clothes and hair length made him look like a boy but one side effect that Izuku did find out is that his hair grows quicker and that he is beginning to look more like a girl each day but his body hasn't changed much so Hana ended up calling him

The Magical Trap as a joke and it was true, he is a Trap and a Magical Girl, so he ended up accepting the name

after that day both were friends and after more months, they were close friends but neither of them was attracted to each over as they have a more sibling type relationship but close none the less

after some time Izuku entered his 3rd year at Aldera and still planned on going to UA High and he was going to try it Quirkless if he had to as he hadn't updated his Quirk Status yet, so everyone thinks he is Quirkless except Hana

then for more Training Izuku decided to be a part time vigilante by only using Magic for his Outfit and Weapon but other than that he didn't use his Magic often as to keep his Soul Gem from being Corrupted

but Hana was against this choice as if he were caught then things would be difficult to fix, and they still needed to keep the existence of Magical girls and Witches a secret from the world for good reason

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