Chapter-1 The Witch of a Hero

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Izuku PoV

as everything changed around me even how things looked and i saw these small creatures which looked weird, but they still gave off the feeling i should get rid of them

Kyubey- you see those small creatures? they are servants of a Witch, kill them and keep moving

nodding at Kyubey i use my new Bow and aim a shot at one of them but pulling the string back is a lot harder than i thought

as i pulled the string back a glowing green arrow appeared and once i was confident i wouldn't miss i let the string go sending the arrow flying at the creature killing it quickly

i can't believe that actually hit it but why don't i feel guilty for killing something? maybe it's because i know its evil? yes i will go for that

as i kept exploring the labyrinth i noticed the gem that had embedded itself in my right had had black spots in it but wasnt it just a bright emerald green a few moments ago?

Kyubey- i see you have noticed your Soul Gem and the black spots in it, i will explain, the black spots are corruption and the more you use Magic the more it will be corrupted and when its fully black it will become a grief seed and you will turn into a witch permanently

Izuku- s-so how d-do i stop it?

Kyubey- kill the witch and i will explain

Kyubey wasnt helpful here but i should listen to him for now as he knows this a lot more than i do

continuing to explore the labyrinth i kept killing the creature i came across i soon reached a door which i could feel a horrible presence behind so this must be where the witch is but as much as i want to leave i must kill it to save those in danger

opening the door i saw the room looked like a sewer and that it was fairly large but empty so where is the witch? should i try to draw it out?

deciding to test a new spell that Kyubey suggested i get an arrow ready but i use Magic to make it shine bright but as i did this my Soul Gem had more corruption in it, and I'd guess its corruption is at 23% not good but not horrible

letting go of the string the arrow shot into the large room but as it hit the wall the room began to shake a bit and suddenly the Witch revealed itself

the Witch looked like a Panda, but it had tentacle like arms and glowing red eyes, but it didn't look cute and friendly instead it looked like it hated life and that it blames itself? why would a Witch look like that

ignoring my need to see if i could help it i shot an Arrow at hit but i aimed for its forehead but missed that and it one of its 4 eyes making it scream in pain and the Witch started to fight back by using its arms like whips

barely dodging each attack by jumping over the skinny arms i kept trying to shoot arrows back but a lot of them didn't hit the Witch i any good spots only its arms or waist but the damage i did was helping as it was getting slower, but it was still dangerous

keeping up this strategy of shooting it while dodging its attacks was working and the witch was getting a lot weaker with each attack but soon enough the witch died and as it disappeared into ash a small pendent was left on the floor but i saw the walls of the labyrinth begin to break and crumble

Kyubey- quickly grab the Grief seed and leave the Labyrinth before it's too late

nodding at this i grab the pendent which i assume is the Grief Seed and i began to run as fast as i could towards the exit but as i was running a green haired girl whose hair looked like vines was standing there and she was also wearing a Magical Girl Outfit is she one to?

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