Chapter- 8 The Start of a Hero

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Izuku PoV

the night after I opened my Exam results, I was contacted by a certain person so naturally I went to meet them at that spot however Rumi didn't want me going on my own, so she ended up taking me there

once we had arrived there, I managed to get off Rumi's shoulders and I ran up to him while calling out

Izuku- SENSEI!

All Might- ah Young Midoriya you arrived and who's this? I thought I said to come alone.

Rumi- I'm here just to make sure nothing bad happens to my Apprentice

Izuku- I thought that was a lie to get out of something?

Rumi- was but now you are and I'm not letting you go easily now who's this skeleton man?

All Might- skeleton!?

Izuku- my Trainer plus in a way I'm kind of yours as well

Rumi- but who's stronger?

Izuku- that I do not know, we need to have a spar to find out

All Might- if I may interrupt there is something I need to discuss with Young Midoriya!

Rumi- can it skeleton me and the Trap here are going to have a fight

suddenly both of us got a slap to the back of the head causing us to stop and look at who did it and it was All Might who towered over us even in his True form I mean I'm only 5 feet tall while Rumi is around 5"2 and All Might is at a height of 7"2, and he had gone into his Hero form as well to stop us

Random Person- Hey look it's All Might!

Random Person2- What no way it really is him!

quickly he ended up picking the both of us up and running off away from the couple that saw us

2 Minutes Later

All Might soon stopped in a more hidden part of the beach and let the both of us down before sighing in relief that we got away however before I could say anything I was interrupted by Rumi who yelled at All Might

Rumi- What the Hell!? How d-did you d-d-do that!?

All Might- Mirko that will take a bit of time to explain

Rumi- Well I'm waiting!

3 more minutes later

All Might- and that's about it so can I finally speak to Young Midoriya about what I was going to say before that happened?

Rumi- yeah, I need a minute, to process this

All Might- ok so anyways Young Midoriya congrats on getting accepted

Izuku- ah th-thank you very much

All Might- just so you know, only Nezu knows about our connection so I didn't pull any strings for you, even though Nezu definitely would, seriously I heard him watching Magical Girl anime over the past week and I think he is making a change to UA because of that

Izuku- w-what change

please don't be bad, please don't be bad

All Might- I heard him say something about a Labyrinth but I'm not sure I didn't really listen plus he got a new costume, it's strange but I'm not questioning Nezu

I wonder what this new costume even is and what could he be up to with a Labyrinth? I know for a fact that he can't make one as he isn't a Witch, nor can he tell when there is one without the help of a Magical Girl

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