Chapter-3 Meeting an Idol

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Izuku PoV

i arrived at my classroom eyes still red from crying

as the lesson went on i didn't bother listening in as i just killed someone i know

suddenly i felt something it my head so i look up to see the teacher with rolled up paper in his hand and he told me

Teacher- Midoriya pay attention, or you will get a punishment

quickly nodding he went back to teaching the lesson while others in the class laughed quietly but quietly and carefully i take out my Soul Gem from my pocket and the Grief seed to quickly Purify my Soul Gem and thankfully it went well and quick

but i did need to dispose of the Greed Seed before something goes wrong with it but how should i do it?

pretend to drop it and let someone break it like they do when i drop things, but they might not even see it as they didn't see Kyubey, and he wondered around the class and jumped on other students' desk and wasnt noticed one bit

deciding to just try and crush the Seed in my hand i clenched it as hard as i could without transforming and i suddenly felt it crack before shattering in my hand but i cold feel blood start to leave my hand so i hid it in my pocket, but some blood and pieces of the Seed fell to the floor

quickly covering the blood on the floor i had to keep that hand in my pocket but it should stop bleeding if none of its pieces are in my hand, but they don't feel like it

Time Skip

finally, classes for the day have ended and i feel drained emotionally

i guess killing a sort of friend does that

the whole Magical Girl thing is harder than i thought

should i try to prevent more Girls from becoming one if i even can?

no i probably shouldn't it's their choice and if they become one and regret it then it's on them i don't regret my choice but i know this will be a tough life

as the class emptied out i also got ready to leave but as i was packing my Analysis notebook but it was my Hero one and not Magical Girl one which i hid at home and I'm glad that i did as Kachan suddenly stole my Notebook and spoke

Kachan- oi Deku we aren't done here yet

Long fingers- what you got there his Diary?

Kachan tossed the notebook to his friends behind them, and they ended up making fun of me like normal

Izuku- ha, ha very funny guys please give it back

the book was then tossed to Kachan who blew it up in his hands using his Quirk before throwing it out of the window

by accident i screamed in shock as i put a lot of effort into it but he suddenly grabbed my shoulder and spoke

Kachan- don't apply for UA ok Deku? or else

my shoulder began to burn from him using his Quirk and his smile was full of malice then his hand on my shoulder got even hotter causing the burn to worsen but i can heal it with Magic later

after what felt like an eternity he let go and started to walk away but then he said

Kachan- ya know if you really want a Quirk there might be a way

i looked up at him to see what he meant but what he said next went too far

Kachan- go take a swan dive off the roof and pray for one in your next life

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