Chapter- 10 Recovery

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Izuku PoV

it was dark but I was awake? where am I

I look around to see most of my body was covered in a black substance with a light green outline? and where my Soul Gem goes when I'm a Magical Girl was also glowing so where am I?

suddenly I see something ahead of me

8 different figures

3 of then I couldn't make out 2 were covered in this same black substance while the over was made from a yellow flame but still looked familiar?

then the other 5 I could clearly see their appearances, but one was more unique

there was a woman with a hairstyle similar to my mom's, but she was wearing a Hero Costume? and had a unique necklace on which looked like, wait is that a Soul Gem? is she also a Magical Girl but who are the others? none of them are girls so they can't be one

suddenly I noticed something in the corner of my eye, and I look to see 2 brothers? they both had white hair and they had this same black substance but with a blood red outline different to that other figure who also had a red outline, but it was brighter than this

the brother with shorter hair and was standing up had his hand on the other head while he struggled and by instinct, I reached out to him but my hand which I could clearly see didn't reach him and I couldn't move but the one struggling suddenly reached out to my hand and I heard a voice

Unknown voice- so your... the Ninth, just like... her

as his hand reached mine a sudden wave of power flew through me, and I suddenly saw a white ceiling as One for All charged through my body at a low percentage an its warmth flew through me as I felt strange

without realising it I was breathing heavily, and I heard a different voice, but I didn't know who it was

Unknown voice- whoa, whoa calm down kid, breath you just witness the beginning

beginning? of what? who are they and why can I hear them in my head?

Unknown voice- kid the beginning of this Quirk and I'm here for some reason but we can talk about it later but calm down

calm down? why I just saw something I don't understand now I'm hearing a voice in my head, what is happening to me!?

suddenly I felt something touch my back and I look to my side to see that woman I saw earlier but her necklace had some Light Green in it? wasn't it just Purple before? but who is she?

Strange Woman- kid I'm the Seventh or Nana Shimura and we have something to discuss but for now just rest, it's been one hell of a day for you

yeah, maybe some rest would help, just for a bit

lying back down I quickly fell back asleep letting myself rest while I could

Time Skip

by the time I woke up the sun was getting close to setting so the school day must be close to ending and I need to head back to class to I can grab my costume case so I can change out of it

but as I stood up from the bed, I struggled to stand properly so I sat back down, and Recovery Girl gave me a crutch to use which made my trip back to the class easier but while I was walking Nana Shimura was walking with me

Nana- kid it's been a while since I was here but I'm sure you're wondering why your Soul Gem is like that

Izuku- yeah, I am, plus how do you know this is?

Nana- simple I was also a Magical Girl once, but I never told Toshinori

Izuku- Toshinori? oh All Might were you, his teacher?

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