Chapter 33 Pt2 Tuesday

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Tuesday, 36 Celsius

Izuku PoV

it's the second day Kiki gets to lead and there's only 2 more days then I'm in charge of this, but after yesterday, i kinda hope we do it again but not in an open area, no matter how good it felt it isn't something I'm dying to try again

but what does Kiki have planned? and i hope it's fun!

while waiting a knock was heard at our door so going to answer it i saw my friends

Kirishima- hey Midoriya, Kiki messaged us asking if we wanted to hang out today so we're here!

Iida- Kirishima is correct! and i hope you are in good health especially what happened there

Izuku- ah I'm fine Iida and i didn't know about this but she did say it was a surprise, so want to come inside while Kiki finishes getting ready?

Uraraka- sure Midoriya, but when did you move?

Izuku- a few days ago, but we're settling in alright, but there was something familiar about this place when we first got here

Asui- that's interesting, oh and if i may ask, is Mirko alright? i know she means a lot to you

Izuku- a-ah, Rumi is still in a Coma, but the doctors said she is ok for now

Asui- that's good, not the Coma bit, Kero

Iida- hmm, Midoriya, remember we're here for you, like you were to me that day

Kirishima- eh? what did she do?

Iida- a-ah do not worry about it!

as we are talking in the main room Kiki finally came out of our room dressed in her usual summer clothes, but she wore a little less as this heat wave would be here all week and now i think about it, we're all wearing a little less than normal

Kiki- now that we are all here, i have planned a day of fun together!

Iida- I'm glad we are doing this, but wouldn't it have been better to invite the whole class and not just us?

Kiki- didn't have enough spaces for everyone... plus i don't really know them

Iida- understandable, continue

Kiki- now then first we must head to Shibuya!

Izuku- isn't it way hotter over there?

Asui- i have to agree, i may just dry out

Iida- I've checked the weather and it's going to be 34 Celsius in Shibuya

Kirishima- that's like 7 higher than here!

Kiki- don't worry i found a good cafe with A/C so we're good

Uraraka- is it an expensive one?

Kiki- no, apparently the most expensive thing is like 2000 yen so your good

Uraraka- oh great and yeah i can afford that

Kiki- then it settled we shall leave, unless anyone wants to use the toilet or have a quick drink?

nobody needed any of that, so we left the apartment and walked to the station chatting about different things from what we've been up to so far and stuff plus we all complained about the heat wave

and as we got into the city, we all felt the heat full force and Kiki wasn't taking it too well, she's in the mood again and she can barely hold it off from the look of it, i think we might be doing it later today or in a bit... i hope not, or maybe i do?

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