Chapter 36- New Role?

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(before we begin, just want to say the things that will happen in this chapter may break Madoka Magica Rules but i dont care, it makes for a good plot i say!)

No PoV

since the battle against Walpurisnatch and the truth about Magical Girls coming to light, Izuku had been taken to a hospital to recover after her fight, and as the sun rose while it reached high into the sky Izuku didnt wake up

instead she was in a dream which never seemed to have an end, but at the hospital next to her bed was Kiki, still in disguise from the night before but she was completely asleep while Rumi stayed in a different room to recover after waking up from her coma

everyone else who didnt need any medical attention was sent home via police escourt

and now inside Izuku's dream was a familiar place, the same place from her last dream

Izuku PoV


why am i here again?

no changes at all other than the fact its not night and theres sunlight comig through the windows,

???- your finally here, Izuku-Chan

spinning around i saw a girl who was in one of those windows, it was the blonde one with a twin drills hairstyle

Blonde girl- she has been waiting, come on lets go meet her shall we?

seeing that theres nothing else i can even do here, i reluctantly follow, completly unsure of who was waiting for me

Izuku- w-who even are you?

Blonde Girl- Mami, Mami Tomoe, a Magical Girl like you, but my time has passed

Izuku- that name, its familiar but where are we?

Mami- all will be explained, just go through that door, you'll see

looking up at the large wooden door i slowly open it caused it to make a loud creaking noise but as i looked back towards Mami i saw that she was gone, as if she was never there, was i hallucinating?

no, i cant think about that, lets just see whats ahead, better than going back i say

Walking forward into the dark room i couldnt see much until a bunch of lights suddely turned on out of nowhere revealing a girl who looked exactly like me, but older and in her lap was a black haired girl wearing something unique plus she has those big black wings on her, but her face is famliar just where from

Older Me- welcome Successor-Chan, im Madoka Kaname the Law of Cycles and this is my wife, Homura Akemi

wait those names, there the missing girls from Mitakihara Middle School!?

Madoka- this is the Plane of Magical Girls, outside the Church of Cycles is where all the Magical Girls who died rest, this Church was mainly built for this

Homura- you beat it, good job

Madoka- now then, Homu can you get off me for a moment

reluctantly Homura got off her and floated in the air as she stared at me, with eyes of curiousity and lust?

Izuku- u-uh stay there?! what is this p-place!?

Madoka- oh, i should explain it better shouldnt i? right then, lets start at the begining shall we? my name is Madoka Kaname the Law of Cycles and ive chosen you to become the next Law of Cycles when i retire, secondly you are in the Plane of Magical Girls, and can come where when you feel like it after i give a few gifts~

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