Chapter 33 Pt 5 Friday

203 3 3

Friday, 38 Celsius

No PoV

18+ is mentioned at the begining but not in much detail

the Heat Wave continued to drag on leaving Kiki in a horny state like she had been the whole week but both her and Izuku have finally adjusted to her constant need for sex with the both of them doing it a lot in the night before going to sleep

and this day was like most others with Kiki trying her best to get her frustrations out with Izuku's help which was just making her eat her out in bed, thankfully they were home alone like most days so there wouldn't be any interruptions

as the day went by both girls indulged in whatever they wanted from simple things like cuddling while fingering each over to more complex things leaving the day full of pleasure, they even decided to break out Kiki's Hentai collection to see what they could try and when they saw the Futa section Izuku decided to try and copy this by making one of them a Futa for an hour or 2 but she hasn't managed to pull it off yet

but even after the failed experiments with Magic Izuku found a way to include it with their acts which resulted in a feedback loop knocking them both out the first time it happened making them both cum for 7 minutes straight

and by the end of the day the whole apartment smelled of sex making both girls panic and clean up to the best of their ability and with a major stroke of luck they got most of the smell out but there were still a few stains around the place

but as the night began and Inko was in a deep sleep from her hard work at the hospital Izuku and Kiki were in their room trying to figure their special spell out

Kiki- ok how about this one?

Izuku- no, we tried that earlier, even if it worked who gets to be the Futa?

Kiki- don't know, you had one before, right?

Izuku- yeah, but i never did anything like this with it!

Kiki- hmm, then i will have it, you've had it before so my turn, oh try this!

she pulled out one of her Ero Manga's and pointed to the panel with the spell

Izuku noticed it was written in those Runes from a Labyrinth but with her attempts at translation she managed to figure out what it said so channelling her Magic to Kiki's crotch she said the spell out loud with confidence

Izuku- Create Futanari!

18+ Starts

a glow appeared with a strange sensation shooting through Kiki as something began to form, the glow lasted a few seconds and as it died down an erect 6-inch penis was there

both girls were quiet not expecting it to work but as Izuku gave it a poke Kiki shivered slightly from the touch

Kiki- uh, what do we do with it?

Izuku- i don't know, let me check the manga

as Izuku turned around she leaned over to reach the Manga they used on the floor but as her butt was raised high in the air right in Kiki's view, she felt something touch her

Kiki was on her knees right behind Izuku but before she could ask anything Kiki rammed her Futa cock inside Izuku's warm and wet hole

letting out a cry of pain Izuku gripped the bedsheets as hard as she could trying to get rid of the pain while Kiki enjoyed the sensation a bit too much as a hot liquid shot out into Izuku's deepest part

Izuku- y-you came from putting it in!

Kiki- so good~

without wasting a second Kiki grabbed Izuku's waist and pulled her back making her fall onto her back and leaving Izuku sitting the right way up while Kiki's cock was deep in her

before anything could be said Kiki started to wildly thrust into the Magical Girl with all her might wanting to cum again but each thrust made Izuku feel strange, not with the pleasure she was getting but something else

a strange tingling sensation was coming from her chest, but she couldn't do anything as Kiki was pulling her arms as she thrusted deep into her

but as Kiki came again it was really hard as so much of Kiki's thick white cum filled her insides to the point, she was bloated but a sudden sharp pain went right through her heart making her grasp it and cry out in pain and fall to the floor

18+ ends

Kiki quickly snapped out of it and rushed to Izuku as her Futa Cock suddenly disappeared along with any trace of them even using it but before Kiki ran to wake Inko up she had some recency to though her oversized shirt on

Inko quickly rushed to her daughter's aid, and she did her best to help while Kiki called an Ambulance which would arrive in a few minutes but as Kiki hung up, she checks the Soul Gem to see it was fine, yet Izuku was having such a bad reaction from something?

tears started to flow from all 3 girls' eyes as their beloved Izuku was dying right in front of their eyes and with desperation Kiki held Izuku's hand and spoke to her with words of encouragement with the hope that she would listen and stay alive

thankfully the Paramedics quickly arrived and safely took Izuku to the hospital with Kiki and Inko calling Mitsuki and Masaru for help, luckily Mitsuki was still awake and quickly drove to the Midoriya Apartment checking on the 2 crying girls before taking them to the hospital where Izuku was in good hands at Jakku Hospital

To Be Continued 

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