Chapter- 23 Chaos at Hosu and an unlikely Ally

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Izuku PoV

ah i feel better after that night of rest but now i have to train with a new weapon, these dagger like things? plus a whole new Quirk this is going to be tough but the uses for Smokescreen are amazing with blinding my opponents while i fight but if it also hinders my own vision then fighting with it won't be easy

anyways I'm hungry and i wonder if there is anything to eat? and it better not be spicy!

Gran Torino- oh your finally awake huh? well no matter we got a lot of Training ahead of us, hmm your necklace it looks a bit different? what happened to it?

Izuku- oh i-it's nothing really but i did have a vision last night!

please forget about my Soul Gem looking different

Gran Torino- vision? All Might did get those, so what did you see?

Izuku- the Sixth User and he gave me something

he look surprised but then again a previous user who is dead giving someone who is alive something is strange so i just showed him by emitting Smokescreen from my hands and immediately his face went to one of complete shock so i let him process this and he quickly asked me if it were the first time this had happened but it wasn't so telling him this he asked me something

Gran Torino- if this isn't the first tie it happened then who else did you see and do you have their Quirk?

Izuku- so far vie only properly seen 2 of the previous holders the Sixth and Seventh

Gran Torino- Nana... do you have the Seventh's Quirk?

Izuku- i can use it but only for about 10 minutes before i need to land

Gran Torino- use it!

quickly nodding i begin to float in the air and i could see his eyes widen from behind that mask of his but he quickly told me what i had to do

Gran Torino- well then today you will not be allowed to touch the ground so keep floating and if you land, we will be sparring for a good while!

as i nodded someone suddenly knocked on the door so i float over and answer it

Delivery Man- a package for Sorahiko Torino

Izuku- oh he's here

Delivery Man- good, sign here please and i will be off

quickly signing the pickup form i take the box which was a bit heavy inside and Gran Torino quickly opened it to see that it was a microwave

Gran Torino- for some reason my old one broke yesterday so i used expedited delivery to get this

is he serious? a good chunk of me can't tell if he's faking it or he's actually serious

Gran Torino- all right kid we're going to eat that frozen Taiyaki i got yesterday get ready!

Izuku- for breakfast!? and it's not spicy, is it?

Gran Torino- oh don't worry it's not and i like sweets! so get to it!

Izuku- y-yes!

grabbing the Taiyaki a place a bunch of it on a smaller plate before cooking it in the microwave


my training was mainly just me using a mix of One for All, Float and Smokescreen but slowly i was getting better with them and my time usage increased by 2 minutes for Float

but his Training was still tough on me

Gran Torino- hmm let's stop for now, if you keep fighting me then you might make some weird habits, so change into your Costume, we're going out!

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