Chapter- 25 Izuku's file

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Aizawa PoV
3 days before Internships end

Why do I have to be here until the end of my student's Internships? Honestly it would be more rational to have me do some things but at least I'm not confined to my hospital room anymore

Deciding to investigate something I manage to get into UA but not long after I walked through the gates the damn Rat stopped me

Nezu- ah Aizawa you're not supposed to be here for 3 more days

Aizawa- Nezu I can't just sit around and do nothing forever, even if I love it, besides it's not like I have anything to do

Nezu- hmm well then as long as you don't try to do anything you normally do then you're welcome to stay for the day

Nodding at this I walk to the Teachers' Lounge as Nezu goes off somewhere to do who knows what

Yagi- ah Aizawa should you be here today after my failure with that incident?

Aizawa- Yagi I'm fine, besides I just want to look something up with Midoriya

Yagi- is it to do with what happened on that day?

Nodding at this I leave Yagi to his own business while I struggle to use my computer with a single arm, but I manage to get up Midoriya's file and it wasn't restricted, knowing Nezu he might have done that as he is fond of the kid

Student name- Izuku Midoriya
Class- 1-A Hero Course
Load file?

Clicking on yes, I wait as the file loads and soon enough it was fully open, so I get to work with reading this damn thing

Name- Izuku Midoriya
Class- 1-A
Age- 15
Height- 4"9
Quirk- Stockpile
Date of Birth- July 15th 2231
Gender- Redacted by Nezu
UA admission date- April 4th 2247
For more information please select one of the points above for other information please search it

Ok then let's see what to look into, wait is the Kids gender hidden by Nezu? You know what I'm not going to ask

But his Quirk Stockpile something seems of about it and wasn't their height different, I swear they were taller a few months ago

For now, I ignored the stuff that confused me and just looked into their Quirk as that's what made me curious, it gives them super strength and flight yet it's called stockpile but there is something to it, there has to be or how can Midoriya explain that place which would give out diabetes with ease

Quirk- Stockpile
Allows the user to charge energy increasing the users' physical abilities and possible allow for more capabilities as it grows in power however the power this Quirk possesses is extremely high needing the user to have a well-trained body or the Quirk will not awaken

Date of awakening- 3/3/2247

Known Quirked Items-
Fire and Ice Rapier- a Rapier which emits Ice and fire, temperatures it can reach is unknown

Huh it shows their Quirked item here, but it doesn't say much, and they only awakened it recently?! God Midoriya really is a problem child but that doesn't explain what happened at the Sport's Festival and i remember Midoriya giving something to Mirko who wore an outfit similar to Midoriya's, God why can't i figure this out?

then there's Nezu who's taken an interest in this kid claiming Midoriya will do great things which i don't deny

but what else even is there?

maybe i can look into the relative's section?

Known Relatives

Inko Midoriya- Mother- Alive

Hisashi Midoriya- Father- Absent

Rumi Usagiyama- Sister Figure- Alive

Hana Shiozaki- Sister Figure- Deceased

Shiozaki? isn't that one of Vlad's kids? and it says she is dead? but isn't the one in UA called Ibara Shiozaki, maybe this Hana is a sister and Mirko also being a sister figure does make sense even if Snipe calls her a Lolicon for what she did to Midoriya

I'm starting to see why Midoriya caught the interest of the Rat they are a mystery but maybe i can find out about that Quirked item, its unique so there must be sightings of it

Quirked Rapier

it isn't known when Izuku Midoriya acquired this Rapier, but it was first seen during the attack at the USJ (in UA) however it does bare resemblance to deceased Hero Nimbus' Rapier, it is possible Izuku Midoriya acquired it from her

if this is True then Izuku Midoriya may have relations to the family of this deceased Hero- Nezu

so Nezu thinks Midoriya got it from Nimbus, now that i think about it i don't recognise that name, best guess is Nimbus was active before my time maybe i can look her up real quick?

looking up the name Nimbus i learned she was a Hero from 50 years ago and she died against an unknown Villain but there was a picture of her using a Rapier against a Villain and looking closely it looked exactly like Midoriya's now that leaves the question how did an over 50 year old Rapier fall into the hands of my student it even said her well known Rapier was lost after her death

Yagi- Aizawa what are, you... looking at

Aizawa- huh? you recognise her?

Yagi- yes, i knew her, she was a great hero back then

Aizawa- then do you recognise this

i point to Nimbus' Rapier and he looks at it but doesn't say anything until he said that he doesn't recognise it

hmm he's hiding something, maybe i should investigate it

To Be Continued

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