Chapter- 34 Nezu's Training Shenanigans

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Izuku PoV

So, everyone is going to the training camp today while I'm staying to train with Principal Nezu whim I'm excited or as he's the only non-human Hero while also being the smartest one which is alive

But I'm still sad that I can't go with them

And now I'm at UA seeing them all of with Kiki and Nezu

Kirishima- it's sucks you can join us Midoriya, but your health is important plus your training with Principal Nezu which is super Manly

Jiro- you know she's a girl, right?

Kirishima- no comment....

Yaoyorozu- still even after this accident of yours I'm positive you will come out on top

Kaminari- yeah what happened though?

Tokoyami- whatever dark curse which has fallen upon you will be cleansed, whether it be from your methods or someone else's the cu-

Mina- ah stop that, it's probably something bad but Midoriya's ok right?

Everyone agreed on that but as they were getting on the bus one by one, I stopped Mina and whispered to her

Izuku- want to know the real reason for this?

Mina- what? Yes of course! Tell me!

Whispering right into her ear I tell her what happened

Izuku- I gave Kiki a Futa Cock and had her mess me up so bad it gave me a heart attack

Mina- w-what?! Why are you telling me this?!

Izuku- because nobody would believe you, Kiki take me away

Giving Mina a very smug smile I felt Kiki pull me away and back to Nezu who was waving them off

Nezu- well then, I have a lot planned for the next few days! But let's get started first we are heading to the police station!

Kiki- ok! How far is that?

Nezu- a 10-minute walk for me so if I were to sit on Midoriya's lap with permission I'd say 4 minutes

Izuku- ok then hop on

When Nezu had sat down on my lap he gave directions to the police station and during the walk a child maybe around 3 though Nezu was a toy that I had, me and Kiki quietly laughed about that


Ah so this is the station we're visiting; well, it looks nice I guess but i think this is one of the older and untouched buildings in the city so it might have been around since the Quirk Wars

As we entered this place, I could smell pee? Definitely not human because Kiki forgets to flush the toilet sometimes and like most of UA doesn't either but why does it smell like this

Nezu- I wonder why this place smells of wolf urine, perhaps it was to try and keep me away? I'll have to ask, but first let us visit the Captain Kamisato of the precinct and start our training!

Using the lift, we got to the main room where a lot of things were going on and most of it was police work but suddenly a tall man who was maybe over 6 feet tall and he looked intimidating

Tall man- hey little girls can we help you? Are you lost?

Kiki- uhh...

Izuku- we're here to meet with the captain, I think Principal Nezu called

Nezu- why yes, I did


the man panicked and fell back over a desk breaking the computer which was kinda funny but I'm a bit worried to see if he was hurt

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