Chapter- 15 Heavy News and a Promised Fulfilled

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No PoV

as Monday rolled around all students in UA returned to their normal lives however with the upcoming Sports Festival things were getting more tense between all the different Courses but that would become clearer as time went on

but as the students in 1-A arrive and talk before class they notice that their Class Vice-President was not it however, they paid no mind to it as some thought she may just have a cold or something, yet a single student knew the truth

not long after they had all gone quiet as their teacher Aizawa arrived with some bandages on him, but he still seemed to be in good health however he had news for everyone

Aizawa- now the UA Sports Festival is soon

once those words left his mouth everyone cheered in excitement but were quickly calmed down after realising, they are still doing this after a Villain attack at the USJ, but Aizawa told them that with extra security and new precautions it would still go on and he still had more news but before he got to that he explained the rest of the Sports Festival and why it's important to them

after Aizawa told them that the Sports Festival was their gateway to being noticed by Hero Agencies and that they only had 3 chances to do this he got to the next piece of news

Aizawa- now the other news, I'm sure you have all noticed Yaoyorozu's absence? well its because she is in the Hospital after she was attacked by a Villain, now before you ask any questions, I will get this out of the way, yes Yaoyorozu will recover, not the Villain wasn't caught and finally no Yaoyorozu will not be participating in the Sports Festival

Iida- Sir! why will Yaoyorozu not be participating?

Aizawa- she received bad injuries which even with the help of a Healing Quirk it will take a few weeks to heal plus if the Villain was still targeting her then her appearance in the Sports Festival could pose a threat to her, now anything else?

Uraraka- Mr Aizawa, what were her injuries?

Aizawa- I have been given permission to share this with you so I will say it once, Yaoyorozu has multiple stab wounds one of which went into her spine and a second right through her shoulder, a cracked rib and a concussion which has caused memory loss so we couldn't identify the villain

the mood darkened as everyone was worried for their classmate but were still thankful that they knew she would be back after the Sports Festival

but not long after they received the news lessons began so they had to ignore it for now

Time Skip

as the Lunch Break for UA began all the class spoke about how excited they were for the upcoming event but they wanted to try and cheer up Yaoyorozu who was in the Hospital so they agreed on sending a card with all their names on to her in hopes this would raise her Spirits

during the lunch break as the trio of Izuku, Uraraka and Iida walked back to the cafeteria the topic they were talking about went to why they wanted to be a Hero and because they already knew Iida's answer Uraraka shared her reason

Uraraka- huh? um... because... the Money

Izuku- for the Money?

Uraraka- to boil it down simply, yes... sorry for it not being a wholesome reason, Iida has such a great reason and you Midoriya, well I don't know yours yet

Iida- it's nothing to be ashamed of Uraraka, wanting a stable income is nothing bad

Uraraka explain the real reason with it being that her parents own a construction company, but they don't get much work so their poor and never have much money, so she wanted to be a Hero to make money for her parents

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