Chapter-7 A Hero's Experience part 2

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Rumi PoV

checking on Lil Trap i saw that he had passed out, this is bad he needs a hospital now before he dies and I'm not going to let that happen especially now that I've taken him on as my little brother

but this thing needs to stop fighting me and its annoyingly tough, the attacks aren't overly strong, but it's got tough skin and those limbs are fast and dangerous

quickly i jumped past an attack and slammed the back of my foot into this things head but i didn't hold back knowing that i had to take it out now so i can get him to a hospital

feeling this things skull cave in a little a smirked and got ready to finish this thing off however it hit me hard sending me into a wall but that won't keep me out of the fight it takes a lot more than that

getting back up i heard a faint voice but i ignored it in favour of finishing this damn thing off so once more i jump high above it and use a Super Move  


slamming my leg into this things head i hear the sounds of it fully caving in and it fell to the ground before it disintegrated leaving a piece of jewellery? why was this left behind?

picking up the strange object i run to my Lil Trap and i saw that he had gone paler, not good, not good at all

???- he won't survive at this rate its best to give up

i spin around and see a strange creature?

it was a small, cat-like creature. It has white fur and four ears, one pair representing the average cat and the other similar to those of a rabbit. It has red eyes and golden rings around its long ears. At the bottom of the ears, it appears that it is separated into three, along with a pink-white fade and three red ovals

???- my name is Kyubey and i want to make an offer to you Rumi Usagiyama, become a Magical Girl like him and you will get a wish, anything you wish for i will grant it

Rumi- can you save him if i wish it?

Kyubey- easily so d-


Kyubey- ok then please state you wish one more time and the Contract will be made

Rumi- i wish for my Lil Trap Izuku Midoriya to be healed fully, happy now?

suddenly i bright light covered the room and i felt different, my clothes changed and i became stronger

my casual clothes i had been wearing changed into an outfit which was similar to me Hero Costume but it had a skirt with a crescent moon on 4 spots, 1 front, 1 back and one on each side then i had detached sleeves that go from my elbows to my wrists

my shoes had mostly stayed the same as my Hero Costume except there was blades on the bottom of them which went up from my toes to the back of my foot and a gem was embedded on my head? why do i have a gem there?

soon the lighted died down and i look back to Lil Trap and his wounds were healing and he looked healthy, healthier than i first met him yesterday

after a moment he opened his eyes and i let out i breathe i didn't even know i was holding

Izuku- what happened? wait Rumi you, you became one!?

Rumi- yeah, I'm a Magical Girl now and i saved you, now you have a lot to explain and so does that cat thing

Izuku- Kyubey?

Rumi- yeah that thing now where is it?

i look around to see that the damn thing was gone, damnit doesn't matter i will get him to explain

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