Chapter- 22 Lets start an Internship!

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No PoV

as the week got closer to its end Izuku Midoriya was recovering after his sister like figure Rumi lost control and went after him due to a certain aspect of her Rabbit Quirk, somehow the incident was never uncovered and stayed hidden from the public so only a few knew about it

however, because of this Rumi is no longer allowed near Izuku until she is back in a normal state of mind this also caused her Internship offer to him to get revoked

meanwhile others in Class 1-A had already picked their chosen Internships and were excited but even they realised something was wrong between the Rabbit Hero and their friend, but they didn't question it

and so, as the last day to hand in the choices came Izuku read through the ones he had while doing some quick research on the ones who he wasn't fully familiar with and after a long while he chose them with a bit of help from his mentors

1st Choice- Gran Torino, Yamanashi Prefecture

2nd Choice- Rapier Hero, Weiss, Kyoto

3rd Choice- Archer, Saitama Prefecture

the 1st choice was mainly due to the fact that Gran Torino once trained All Might and might have useful teachings while the other two were for his weapons and how he could improve them, needless to say his 1st choice was accepted and soon he would be off to Yamanashi to train with this Hero

At the Station

Present Mic- Listeners! you all have your Costume, right? now remember it's a big no, no to wear them in public and don't break them got it?

Mina- Yeah!

Present Mic- right on! now remember your manners and such while their but do enjoy yourselves! now off you go don't miss your Trains!

quickly everyone split up to find the train they needed to be on however Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka stopped their friend Iida to tell him if he needs help, he only needs to ask but they quickly split up to take their Trains with Uraraka going towards Ehime Prefecture, Izuku going to Yamanashi and Iida going to Hosu

Izuku PoV

as I arrived at Gran Torino's address, I saw an older building which needed some repairs and such but still looked safe to live in but as I knocked on the door nobody answered so I tried again before entering to see if anyone was home or if something happened

Izuku- Hello? I'm Izuku Midoriya from UA is anyone here?

looking around the dark room I saw an old man shorter than myself lying on the ground and there was a pool of blood? oh shoot!

quickly I rush to him and gently put him on his back to see there wasn't a wound? and it smelled like ketchup? wait what?

Old Man- ah I fell down when I was making lunch, who are you?

helping the man up I introduce myself again, but he just called me Toshinori, I think he is senile, maybe I should have gone to Weiss and work on my Rapier skills

Izuku- one second, I need to make a phone call

walking back outside I get ready to call All Might to tell him about Gran Torino's state but just before I could dial his number, I hear him speak again while he looked in my Costume Case

Gran Torino- fire One for All at me, I want to see how well you can use it

what's with this guy?

Gran Torino- this is a nice Costume, familiar, now put it on and fire!

uh what? now he is looking at me again

Gran Torino- who are you?

walking over to take my Costume away from him he suddenly shot across the room and went from wall to wall with speed before he stopped just above the door

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