Chapter 33 Pt 3 Wednesday

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No18 + content here! other than a few things Horny Kiki says

Wednesday, 36 Celsius

No PoV

as the sun began to shine into the room Izuku slowly woke up from the sun shining in her eyes, annoyed she got up and stretched before realising she was still nude and the memories from the night before shot through her head

quickly a massive blush had appeared before she rushed to change into something as being naked in a room which isn't hers along with 2 other nude girls isn't something she wants now, quickly she had found a random hoodie along with a Lollipop patterned panties which fit nice on her

sadly, there wasn't anything she could wear on her legs and there was only a school uniform skirt which she didn't want to wear

gently she shook the older girl who slowly woke up however as she looked up to see who had woken her up, she didn't see Izuku, no she only saw the clothes she wore and not her face or hair

Rika- R-Runa? is that you? y-your alive!

quickly the naked woman jumped on to Izuku but as her eyes cleared up, she saw her face and realised what she had done

Rika- I-Izuku I'm so sorry! i-i thought you w-were Runa

Izuku- its ok, i think these are her clothes, so it'd make sense

as Rika got up letting Izuku breathe properly she managed to get a proper look at her clothes, they were Runa's favourite thing to wear at home, she felt slightly conflicted that someone else was wearing this, but she ignored that feeling as Izuku went to wake up Kiki

Rika decided to leave the room so she could at least put something on to prepare something for the 3 of them to eat

as Izuku sat on the bed and gently shook Kiki she slowly woke up before moving into Izuku's chest with her head resting on her small boobs, she ended up falling back asleep so to get them both out of the room she used Float sending them both onto the couch

however, because of Kiki's clingy-ness Izuku couldn't get her dressed leaving her the only one naked

not long after Kiki woke up from the smell of food making her rush straight to the table, but she ended up tripping on her own tail when she first stood up

either way she managed to get there just to eat Rika's cooking


after they ate it was around 11am and both Loli's were able to put their own clothes back on as they were finally dry, but Rika insisted, they kept the rabbit Kigurumi's as they were better off with them because they could actually wear them

before they left Rika gave them her contact details if they ever want to visit or have "fun" again but while they were on their way home they stopped at a small shop which was also a petrol station where they picked up drinks to cool off from the intense heat however they noticed something in the magazine shelf, it was the front cover of Inazuma Clothing, they were on the front cover with the outfit that made them look more like twins than all the others while Mitsuki was behind them in her outfit

Izuku got the magazine to keep even if she never was never interested in that kind of Magazine

while on the Train home the Class Group Chat was going wild

Class 1-A


ZOOM- Ashido, please refrain from typing in all capital letters!


Cantseethis! - tell us already!


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