Chapter- 14 A familiar yet strange face

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Izuku PoV

it's been a few days since the USJ, but I was able to go home after a day or so because I had a Quirk malfunction but honestly, I don't care too much as I'm home and comfy now

however, its Monday tomorrow and UA is starting back up annoyingly, and I must lie about having a Quirked Item which are supposed to be really rare and expensive to get plus a Fire and Ice Rapier is unheard of, I hope things can calm down though

while relaxing in my room I felt the presence of a Witch Being born nearby, I'd say around a 5-minute walk from here so it's time to hunt it! and Rumi isn't here so it's a Solo Hunt

quickly I change into a more suitable outfit than my pyjamas and I leave to find the Labyrinth, once I had arrived at the entrance, I quickly make sure nobody is around before going inside

when the environment had fully changed, I saw the Runes of the Witch which I'm still trying to translate but this time they said this

when the environment had fully changed, I saw the Runes of the Witch which I'm still trying to translate but this time they said this

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however, I still couldn't read it, but I wonder what I will be facing this time

walking further in the place was strange with floating structures and the Witches Minions were creatures made them the ends of Tentacles and they shot hot pink acid?

this must be one of the weirder Labyrinths I've faced

as I felt myself get closer to the Witch, I realised I could sense a second Magical Girl inside and she is close to the Witch, is she stealing my Grief Seed? or is she new and is not aware I'm one of the 2 Magical Girls that protect this town?

for now, I will assume she is a new one and hopefully get the message to her that she needs to be careful of other Magical Girls but if she isn't a newbie and is trying to take over then I will beat her up and scare her away, like that red haired girl with that spear from almost a year ago

it may be cruel, but someone must teach a newbie about the risk of going into someone else's territory

quickly running to the Witch, I saw a massive Humanoid Octopus fighting the other Magical Girl who used a Spear she also wore a purply-red outfit and she had black hair, but I couldn't see her face as she wore a mask covering half of her case but her skill with the Spear is good

but she is struggling against the amount of acid that is around her, I will give her some help, but I won't step in even if she is going to die

carefully I summon my Bow and aim towards the Witches legs and shoot a Frozen Arrow freezing the leg and the Magical Girl took this as an opportunity to attack

she jammed her spear into the Witches face causing it to let go of its weapon, but the Magical Girl didn't stop as she started to stab it in its face, how violent and she isn't even doing it elegantly, hell I'm pretty sure my first time using my Rapier was better than this, but it does get the job done so.

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