Chapter 33 Pt 4 Thursday

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Minor 18+ at the beginning 

Thursday, 40 Celsius

as they day began the first thoughts that ran through Izuku's head was

why is it so hot?

both Kiki and Izuku were wearing the joke present Mitsuki got them which were lewd Bikini's which didn't cover much but they were perfect to try and cool down

thankfully both girls were alone in the apartment as Inko had work but at least her workplace had good air conditioning, plus she wouldn't see what her adorable girls were wearing

Minor 18+ starts

as the fans in the room did their best to cool them off, they watched TV on a random show, but the heat began to get to Kiki as without even realising it her hand had already moved the small amount of fabric which covered her pussy, and she was already playing with it

small moans quickly began to fill the room, but the TV drowned out most of the noise leaving Izuku completely clueless

each little thing she did gave her joy from fingering herself to rubbing it, even lightly pinched made her want more but at this rate Izuku noticed Kiki's enjoyment but she hid it well with only a minor blush

Minor 18+ Ends

before she could do anything else a knock on the door snapped her out of it

quickly Izuku had put on a large, oversized top before answering the door to see who was there

Iida- ah your home!

Izuku- Iida, what are you doing here?

Iida- well most of the class have decided to visit a beach to cool off from the Heat Wave, would you and Kiki like to join us?

Kiki- YES! anything to get out of this heat!

Izuku- uh, there's your answer, is everyone waiting for us?

Iida- yes! everyone is downstairs in the shade!

Izuku- ok then, just give us a few minutes to change and pack a bag

Iida- of course, we will be waiting downstairs!

quickly shutting the door Izuku rushes of to her room to see Kiki already in her swimsuit while holding hers

it didn't take long for them to pack a bag with spare clothes and towels and when they had put on some clothes to wear above their swimwear they locked up and rushed down to the others

they all ended up going to that hidden beach Kiki knew about, but Kaminari told everyone about it when he almost caught Izuku and Kiki having their first time

Uraraka- Kaminari how did you find this place?

Kaminari- well i was walking through the area and heard strange sounds so i followed then and found this

a noticeable blush quickly appeared on the 2 Loli's faces but with some great luck it wasn't noticed, but before anyone had a chance to look at them both, they had already set up their spot and were running to the cool water

when they were both in down to their chests in the cool ocean water the heat in Kiki's crotch was finally going away to her happiness while Izuku enjoyed herself in the cool water

not long after more of the class joined in while some stayed on the beach having fun in their own way from playing in the sand to digging Kaminari's hole or sunbathing in peace, everyone who was there had fun

sadly, even though most of them were having fun 1 of them wasn't, especially after he fell into Kaminari's hole which had gotten deep with the help of Mina who used acid to get more sand out, but it was gone by the time Bakugo fell into it

this wasn't nice for everyone as they had to deal with an angry explosive boy and a terrified human Pikachu

Izuku and Kiki watched the chaos from the water but as Kaminari suddenly began to run towards them Izuku picked up Kiki and flew out of the water and stayed well above it but not high enough people outside the hidden beach could see

as expected, Kaminari electrified the water electrocuting anyone inside and they could only hope it didn't reach the public beach, which was full of people, but Bakugo didn't think it through and ended up following him into the water getting himself knocked out from the electric in the water

panic quickly came as the rest of the class had to do a rescue operation to get their classmates out of the water which was made a hell of a lot easier with Izuku's Float Quirk

overall, 7 students of Class 1-A were hospitalised from Kaminari's accident, but they would be released in a few days thankfully, except Bakugo who was almost next to Kaminari when it happened, he would be getting out the day before the Training Camp

To be Continued

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