Chapter- 17 Run, Smoke, Run, Smoke

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Izuku PoV

after the break, the top 42 gathered back in the field to see the next game and I admit I was nervous as I couldn't clean my Soul Gem between the games because Hatsume was with me and didn't leave me alone

Midnight- now here is the Second Game but I already know what it is, but what could it be? what could it be? I just said it, here it is

the roulette stopped and showed the next game which was

Midnight- Tag! now let me explain, each of you has a head band and you must protect it for 15 minutes as all the students who didn't make the top 42 chase you but you can also steal back or steal someone else's headband for more points as each headband is worth a certain amount with 42nd place being 5 and 41st being 10 and so on

ah but how will it work for me and Hatsume who tied? will we have an equal point count, or will we have to share a head band?

Midnight- now with first place being tied between 2 students they will have the point values of their headbands halved and they must stick together as a team while everyone is on their own but the value of these 2 headbands is 5 million, you all have 5 minutes to prepare, good luck!

suddenly the size of the play area was changed to the entire centre of the Stadium, and everyone spread themselves out while Hatsume got on my shoulder before passing me boots?

Hatsume- these babies are my Hover Boots, so we have more mobility plus I got this jetpack

Izuku- oh I have an idea; I can fly with my Quirk but not for long because it takes a lot of concentration so

Hatsume- if we time it right with my Babies

Izuku- we can avoid everyone

Hatsume- great idea Magical Girl

Izuku- please stop calling me that, my name is Izuku Midoriya

Hatsume- ok Magical Izuku

and she didn't even listen properly but if this plan works then getting to the next round will be super easy

preparing Hatsume's gadgets in the centre of the playing field whilst everyone else was at the edge of the field, I saw one spot nobody was at but that was the gate to where everyone else would run in from

Hatsume- hey where's that Rapier of yours? wouldn't it help us?

Izuku- not really, I'm saving it for the next round plus it's too late to get it right?

Hatsume- but didn't you summon it back in the race?

Izuku- ok fine I don't want to use it now because its near its limit and it needs to cooldown

Hatsume- even with Ice attacks?

Izuku- yes anymore and I would be in pain

Hatsume- ok then! got anything else you can use?

Izuku- not really, I have a Bow, but I didn't get that allowed for the festival plus you on my shoulders

Hatsume- ok then and get ready to fly

Midnight- now let's start, 3, 2, 1 Begin let the students in!

the gate opened as hundreds of students ran towards us so powering up the boots I managed to manuver around them with some struggle but when Hatsume tapped my with her leg that was the signal to fly so powering up Float I shoot up into the Air with the help of Hatsume's Jetpack and once high enough we floated around while dodging any attacks that were shot out to us, ranging from purple balls to acid and even a tongue courtesy of Asui

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