Chapter- 19 The Witch of Sweets appears

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Izuku PoV

soon enough the next fight started between Todoroki and Sero this should be an interesting fight with Sero's mobility against Todoroki's Quirk

the both of them walked onto the Area but Todoroki looked annoyed, I think it's a bit difficult to tell from this distance

Present Mic- He's good! he's good but what's with that plainness he just can't get rid of? from the Hero Course, Sero Hanta! Versus the one who placed high in the last events, he has overwhelming power, so he wasn't recommended for admission for nothing! also from the Hero Course, its Shoto Todoroki, Ready? Begin!

Sero quickly shot his tape at Todoroki in an attempt to get him out of the arena but as he did this ice shot out from Todoroki's feet and quickly encased him as well as a good chunk of the arena, it almost hit us! seriously he is trying to kill someone?

obviously Sero lost and it took a long time to clear out the ice even with the help of Fire type Quirks but after the hour it took the next fight started between Shinso and Shiozaki which didn't last one as Shinso made her walk out of the arena with little resistance somehow and the next fight was going to start soon but like they did with all the other fights so far the 2 who will fight hadn't been revealed so I wonder who will fight

but I kinda need the toilet so I should go before the next fight starts

walking to the toilets I saw something in the corner of my eyes, and something felt off I should check it out after I feel better

after using the toilet, I followed the direction I sensed this thing, but I ended up nearing a random waiting room and I sensed it maybe it's nothing, but it wouldn't hurt to check right?

taking out my Soul Gem it quickly reacted to something by glowing indicating a Witch was close to me, this is bad, really bad I need to call for some help as the quicker this is killed the better but doing it alone would take too long maybe he still has some Hero Time left?

dialling the number, I waited for him to pick up and after a few seconds he picked up

All Might- Young Midoriya what can I help you with?

Izuku- there is a big problem All Might!

All Might- what problem? is it a rowdy spectator or something?

Izuku- NO! much worse, much worse, I need you to get to me and bring Mirko if she is with you!

All Might- Young Midoriya calm down she isn't with me, but I can get her, where are you and what is the problem?

Izuku- a Witch is here in the stadium!

All Might- Witch? ah I remember they're bad right?

Izuku- YES THERE BAD! just get to where I am

All Might- ok, ok I will be there, oh where exactly are you?

Izuku- waiting room 14 hurry!

All Might quickly hung up and I waited for him to arrive with Rumi if he could find her but while I waited, I heard a voice which I didn't want to hear right now

Aizawa- Midoriya hat are you doing here?

oh, why couldn't he wait in that booth with Present Mic now I have to get him to leave here before All Might arrives but seriously how didn't I sense this Witch earlier

Aizawa- is there something wrong? you look nervous? Midoriya is there a problem here so something?

Izuku- n-no there isn't y-you can go now!

why did I stutter! now he's more suspicious of me

Aizawa- ok then, how about you explain why your necklace is glowing

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