Chapter- 11 A normal day at UA

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Izuku PoV

when I woke up, I was still in the cuddle with Rumi, and I think I woke up early so instead of doing my normal routine I just stayed still and enjoyed the warmth of the cuddle

Nana- ah you both look adorable like that~ I'm jealous kid

giving Nana a small glare, she ended up giggling before leaving my room for a while before returning and telling me about the time for some reason but I'm not complaining as I have 10 minutes to enjoy this

but whilst enjoying the warmth of Rumi I felt strange? meh I can figure it out later but for now I want more warmth

soon my alarm went off waking Rumi up and I ended up having to get ready so following my routine I had gotten ready with time to spare

annoyingly I still had to use that crutch as my legs were still weak even after a night of rest but there isn't much, I can do now but at least Rumi offered to take me to UA, but she didn't say how she would take me there, eh doesn't really matter and it beats taking the train and walking there

later after I had eaten something Rumi had gotten changed into her Hero Costume and asked if I was ready so whilst I was a bit nervous, I decided to nod before putting my bag on and making my way outside where she was waiting for me

walking up to her I told her that if she was going to take me then now was the time, Rumi had a smirk before she picked me up and started to jump away while laughing

after the initial shock of her jumps, I started to enjoy this but if only I wasn't being carried under shoulder, then I could have enjoyed this more but then again this wasn't how I thought I would be traveling to UA today

soon we had arrived at UA to see a sight I wasn't expecting

reporters and other News workers had surrounded the entrance to UA asking questions to any of the students trying to get in, but they have yet to notice us

Izuku- um Rumi I think its best you let me down and I go in alone, who knows what they will say about us if were seen like this?

Rumi- nah Lil' Trap your Big Sis has an idea so hold on and get ready

oh god what is she going to do now? please don't let it be something stupid

suddenly she jumps back a bit before getting a run up towards the wall that surrounds UA and as she got closer, she jumped high, but the Barrier didn't go off? was it my student ID which protected us or was it Nezu?

while falling to the ground Rumi began to laugh once more and once, we landed she immediately jumped again while making her way towards the main building and many of the students looked in awe at the sight of a top Hero making her way into UA

plus, as we got further away from the gates, I saw Mr Aizawa along with Present Mic walking to the gate probably to deal with the reporters but as we had past them, I caught a glimpse of their faces

Mr Aizawa had one of shock, but it was hidden well unlike Present Mic who looked like he had seen something bizarre but then again seeing a Top Hero carry a student into UA was a bizarre scene  

not long after she found her way to my class after making a few lops around the places scaring a few students who weren't expecting her to shoot past but the only reason she found it was after threatening a student who had purple messy hair and he looked familiar to someone I know but the interaction was funny

Flashback 3 minutes ago

Rumi- Oi purple hair you know here 1-A is? if so tell me before I kick your ass! I got places to be! and people to kick!

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