Chapter- 30 Love at I-Expo!

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Izuku PoV

ah I'm so excited! we're on the Plane to I-Island but it's All Might's Private plane he was lent for the trip, but he is asleep, and we have a while until we get their plus Kiki is kinda restless right now

but how long until we get there?

Kiki- Hey, hey we're here! wake up the skeleton! i hunger so let's find a Cafe!

ah, i forget that Kiki doesnt know that the "skeleton" is All Might, and she thinks that he's All Might's Secretary, but she is right but how to wake him? maybe i should just shake him to not give him a heart attack

just as i was about to do this Kiki screams in his ear waking him up but scaring him bad which made him swear in English which Kiki doesnt know very well but after he calmed down Kiki told him we were here in a blunt way

Kiki- Skeleton we're here! and i hunger so me and Nee-Chan are going to go and eat something somewhere!

All Might- uh, yes i also need to set up the speech All Might will give so i best do that

Kiki- cool, cool, tell him to do good, now Nee-Chan!

Izuku- yes Kiki?

Kiki- get the Raccoon set on because i have a plan!

slowly nodding i do what she asked while being worried to see what she had planned but it can't be that bad

once we landed and went through Security we saw I-Island for what its known for, plus we could use our Quirk's freely, not that it mattered, Kiki could do things Raccoons could while i could only use Float without hurting or interrupting anyone as One For All isn't needed and Smokescreen would cause problems plus Invisibility isn't needed as why go invisible?

All Might left us to go and "prepare the Speech" but he did give us some money to use, but he told us someone would meet us to show us around, so we don't get lost suddenly someone called out to us in great Japanese, but they still had an accent

???- Hey! your Izuku Midoriya and Kiki Narukami, Uncle Might said you should be here! I'm Melissa Shield nice to meet ya!

the girl was using a strangely powerful Jumping stick while jumping towards us but as she reached us it disappeared and turned into a bracelet?

Melissa- wow you both look super cute! now Uncle Might said the pink and green haired one is Izuku Midoriya and the brown haired one is Kiki Narukami, right?

Izuku- yeah, plus i have some black in my hair!

Kiki- uh, Nee-Chan you don't have any black in it anymore, its Pink and Green like those Strawberry Mochi lollipops i like

Izuku- really?! i haven't checked, but how bad is it?

Melissa- bad? it's cute

Kiki- yeah, it's cute and all the black turned Pink and the green turned a bit brighter, maybe i should dye my hair?

Izuku- no, your cute with that hair colour

after those words left my mouth Kiki had a faint blush while smiling slightly but before anything else could happen Melissa asked if we would rather be called by our first name or our family name but before i could answer Kiki told her to call the both of us by our first names

Melissa- ok then Kiki, Izuku so shall we start the tour?

Kiki- ok but we hunger so food first!

due to Kiki's bluntness Melissa took us to a random café where one we sat a pair of familiar faces were spotted, Kaminari and Mineta but they weren't sitting down to eat, no they were working here

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