Chapter- 26 back in UA

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Izuku PoV

finally we were heading back to Yamanashi then I'm going back home and back to my normal life at UA but Kiki didn't want to me to leave so i told her that she is welcome to visit me anytime and i gave her my address but she mentioned she would call me later so we can talk which I'm kinda excited for plus if she comes over to see me i can show her around and maybe get her in UA for a look around?

but now i can relax on the Train for a bit and maybe see if i sense any Witches on the way back i do need a Greif Seed soon

Time Skip

finally, back at UA and I'm excited

walking into class i was greeted by the sound of laughter and when i opened the door i saw why Kachan had his hair all neatly done up, completely different than his explosive hair

but Kirishima along with Sero laughed the most while i held mine in

Kachan- Shut up! my hair's gotten so used to it even washing it won't fix it! hey stop laughing or I'll kill you!

Sero- I'd like to see you try Side-Part Boy!

suddenly his hair shot back to its normal style, and he was angry now so i just walked around them to sit down and i just listened to everyone talking about their internships

and soon our first Hero Training lesson began! and I'm excited to show everyone what I've learned

however, whilst changing into my Costume i noticed something, my body was changing again, now my chest is growing, not much but soon it might be noticeable, why is this happening?

ignoring my changes for now i quickly got ready and All Might told us what we would be doing!

All Might- since you all just got back from Internships, we'll have some fun with a Rescue Race!

Iida- if we're doing Rescue Training shouldn't we be at the USJ?

All Might- that place is for Disaster Training now remember what i said? that's right! i said Race! and this is Field Gamma, a dense area filled with factories and it's like a labyrinth

oh? I'm good with Labyrinths but that's not the type he meant either way I'm good at navigating them!

All Might- first! you will all split into 4 groups of 5 and go in one group at a time! then i will send out a distress signal from somewhere inside and you all have to find me but you all will be starting at the outskirts of the field! but you must keep damage to a minimum! 

Kachan- don't point at me!

All Might- right first group! get ready!

the first group consisted of myself, Ojiro, Iida, Mina and Sero. this should be interesting but fun! but i got to do my best so imma fly!

once we heard the Start signal i jump off the tower i was on and start to fly around making my way towards All Might but i quickly shoot past Sero which might have caught him off guard and i noticed something

this race is perfect for the Training i did with Float!

and as i flew happily i felt a sudden weight on my leg so i look down to see Sero using me to swig ahead into the lead but as he shot past, he yelled at me

Sero- Don't worry i didn't see anything!

oh, that's go- wait what they can see up my skirt!? oh yeah i am flying...

shaking my head i flew faster catching up to Sero who was going everywhere but i soon saw the goal and i went right for it making it between myself and Sero

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