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Surprise mother fucker. Here we go again. We're back at it with another book.

Okay, welcome to Eros.

As ever, let's kick this off with the RECOMMENDED reading order. Wa-hey! You don't have to read them all to understand them. Bonus! Alas, here we go:

1. Lorcan & Evette

(He's lame, she's awesome)

2. Reign of Blood

(He's crazy, she's crazier)

3. Nazreen

(She's shy, he's troubled)

4. Eros


Now, as ever, I don't have the patience with those singular daily updates. So here is my pledge. Ten a day. Going once, going twice. Sold.

As promised, this book alludes towards something. I'm sensing some demonic favouritism in the comments. Fuck knows why, but it is what it is.

At the end of this book, I'll announce what the next book will be. My secrecy here is probably a little pointless since I've already told people in other comments what it'll be, but no one'll remember that, so on with the enigma.

This book has been edited once, and as I write the rest in this series, I will edit repeatedly, so mistakes should be limited, but please give me a shout if you spot anything.

Please remember to comment and vote.⭐️👨‍🦲

If anyone has any cheeky favourite characters they'd like to see a book for, drop me a hint. I can't promise it will change the order- I'm something of an obsessive planner- but it will definitely, doubtlessly fester in my mind and eat me alive.

Apologies, I've been on the vodka and coke. Favourite drinks?

I'm getting boring.

Onwards and upwards!

Love always, Sophie.

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