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Angie watched disinterestedly as the trees whirled past her window. She'd never driven down a road as fast as this. But immortal reflexes were better than human ones. Eros could stop the car and diverge them in less than a second if circumstances called for it.

As she watched the trees surrounding them, she thanked her lucky stars she wasn't out in them. Angie and wildlife didn't mix. Now that she was, like, gonna live forever, she'd forced the angel God to promise to never make her walk in the wilds again.

Said angel God switched things into the sixth gear.

"Could you pull on the gear stick any harder?"

He side-eyed her, one hand on the wheel, one on her thigh. "Could you comment less on my driving?"

"You call that driving?"

"Yeah, I do."

Since coming back to life or finding his physical form or whatever, Eros had been adapting to the times rapidly. There was much that he liked. Cars, advanced indoor plumbing, pringles, Pornhub, watching porn with Angie, love island and so on and so forth.

"I could drive better with my eyes closed," She mumbled.

He squeezed her thigh. Mere months ago, that grip would've been enough to leave bruises.

Immortality had come with a slew of benefits she hadn't been expecting.

Beyond the increased stamina and improved senses, the sex had gotten wilder. Eros was downright aggressive with it. Since he had her turn ons so figured out, he'd been fucking her senseless, learning each and every one of her pretty buttons.

"Try being a passenger with your mouth closed."

She reached out, easing her hand over his crotch. As ever, his cock hardened beneath her hand.

"I thought you'd rather put my mouth to good use."

"Fuck, Angie. Do you want me to pull over right now and fuck your brains out, because I will?"

"Who said anything about pulling over?"

She tugged his zipper down, hand ducking beneath his trousers.

"Gods, woman. I think I'm gonna—"

She snatched her hand back, slumping casually into the passenger seat.

"Just joking. You may proceed."

He grumbled, glaring at her, his cock standing erect. The tent in those trousers was undeniable.

"Are you shitting me?"

"No. I'm quite serious. Eyes on the road sunshine."

He let go of her thigh to adjust himself.

"Look at what you've done to me."

She rubbed her lips together, eyeing up his crown that poked out his boxers.

"Uh, lack of foundation. You have no proof that I did that."

"No proof! My dick is pointing right at you."

"Your evidence is simply not incriminating enough. I'm sorry, but there's really nothing I can do for you."

He grumbled some more, knuckles whitening around the wheel. "Just count yourself lucky this is a rural road. Anywhere else and I'd throw you out into moving traffic."

"What happened to never letting anyone hurt me?"

"Put your seat-belt on."

She unclipped it casually, perching on the very edge of her seat.

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