Chapter Thirty-Seven

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One minute she was heading to her room, the next her vision was swarmed by a flash of white as Eros snatched her and encased her in his wings. Her hands fell to his chest, her eyes wide, body breathless.

"Answer the question Angie," He demanded, hands lower than they usually rested. She felt them on her arse, holding her flush against him, squeezing. "Have I ever let you down?"

How was she supposed to answer that? Stunned, her brain had a hard time digesting what he'd said.

"Have I let you down?" He persisted.

Could she really blame him for what happened with Ares?

He'd never laid his hands on her. And sure, she could understand his hesitation in acting. He'd been shocked. Shock in such commotion was a valid feeling.


"Then trust me."


"That's war Angie. You're not in my wars. You're not my enemy. You're Angie, and I haven't hurt you. I could never hurt you. I wouldn't fucking dream of it."

She tried not to look at his eyes, but with his wings trapping her in, there wasn't much else to look at.

"Why is this such a big deal to you?" She asked.

"I want you to trust me. Fuck, understand me Ange, I need you to trust me. You alone can trust me."

"You have to prove you can be trusted."

"Oh I'll prove it to you." With that hold on her ass, he tugged her upwards until their lips met.

Fuck. Eros kissed her like there was no tomorrow. Like there was nothing standing between them. Like there never had been.

When his tongue traced the rim of her lips, that rush of heat at her core was undeniable.

So much for him being mad at me.

Scratch that. When he bit down on her bottom lip, it was abundantly clear the angel God was still mad.

Fuck. He was furious.

He pulled back just enough to peck her lips, a satisfied smirk on his lips.


"That ought to teach the demon," He told her.

"Come again?"

"Caspian's been eye fucking you all day." So he had been taking notice. A flare of victory shot through Angie. Even when he'd been ignoring her, he'd still been watching. "He can't see us now, but he can smell how your body's reacting to me."

"I smell?"

"No Ange." He pecked her lips again. "It's like what I told you about some immortals being able to sense your mortality. Some of them can also sense desire. And right now you're fucking dripping with it."

She whacked at his chest half-heartedly. "Who says I desire you?"

"Let's not kid ourselves. We both know you're a shuddering mess for me."

"Who's to say that's not for the demon?"

"The demon wishes he could have a night with you. But damn it, Ange. You're mine. This selfish God isn't sharing."

"What's the point in 'teaching the demon'?"

"I'm mad at you," He said, rolling his eyes as if she were the stupid one in this equation. As if she were slow. "I haven't scorned you. The demon wants a taste of what he can't have."

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