Chapter Forty-Two

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When the demons had finished setting up the tents, Eros carried her into one, laying her down upon a sleeping bag.

Claudio brought some water, which Eros coaxed her into drinking.

Then, as she tried to make sense of what she thought she'd seen, he gave her a look of disapproval.

"Go to sleep stupid. You're not feeling well."

"It'll pass."

"Angie, sleep. It'll pass quicker if you're rested."

"Having so many attractive men waiting on me is definitely my wet dream. If I sleep, I won't be able to make the most of it."

"Funny you should say that since we both know who you dream of."

"I said men plural. Play your cards right and you might stay in them."

"Sleep Ange."


"Go to sleep baby. You'll feel better when you wake up."

"But I—"

"Sleep, Evangeline."

And she did. Dreamlessly for a change. It came as a relief from all the worrying and thinking she did in the day.

Eventually, she awoke to that same strange buzz in the air that'd set her off before. She peered around the dark, empty tent, trying to gather her thoughts.

The second her eyes were open, those intrusive thoughts came bounding back to burden her.

She sat up, slowly pulling down the zip on the tent, and slipped out.

Darkness surrounded her, but she had a torch. She didn't turn it on just yet, gaze focused on the stars.

A few paces away, Eros sat with his back to the tent, peering out across civilisation below him.

Angie stood still and watched.

For him, this was probably a lot to take in.

Even if it hadn't changed much, down there had still changed since he saw it last. He had six hundred years to catch up on. She couldn't begin to imagine how he was feeling.

His shoulders were slumped. As much as she wanted to go over there and throw herself at him, she could feel he needed to be alone right now. To take it all in and come to terms with it.

His life would never be the same as what it once was. The world had changed too much in his absence. The globe had kept turning, leaving him behind.

Gnawing on her bottom lip, Angie turned from him.

Until that buzzing feeling left her, there'd be no chance of her getting back to sleep. Ironically, she felt like she needed a wander. No, she didn't feel like she wanted one. This was like compulsion. Like she'd die if she didn't go on one. Her brain felt changed. A wander. Something to stretch her legs out whilst it was somewhat cool.

She knew, for safety's sake, that she should've told Eros. But she didn't want to interrupt that peacefulness he had going on. Her lips seemed sealed. They wouldn't open, not even if she wanted them to. Plus, she knew that if she said she wanted to go walking alone he'd say no. And when she insisted, he'd follow along.

So she stayed quiet instead, walking as soundlessly as possible so as not to disturb him.

A cold chill brushed against her chest.

What was that buzzing feeling?

Maybe she'd give Caspian or Claudio a heads up on her plans.

Or maybe not.

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