Chapter Twelve

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Eros was careful not to reveal all his cards as he watched Angie ready herself for bed. She searched around in her bag for that bottle of pills, paling when she couldn't find them, but she hadn't pointed any fingers yet.

He listened into her mutterings. She told herself she'd be able to find them in the morning. That she was tired and exhaustion had hindered her eyesight.

Evidently, she was way too reliant on these nightmare pills.

At the bathroom mirror, she gave herself a pep talk as she brushed her teeth, talking about how she could survive one night. How, for just one night, they might not be that bad.

Angie was his newest curiosity. As he figured out how to adjust to this time and everything in it, Angie was his source of comfort.

Watching her only teased his interest.

Readying for bed, she gave him a cautious glance, brows drawn with something akin to dread.

"What's the look for Angie?"

She glanced over at him like a deer caught in headlights. Like she'd been caught doing something she wasn't supposed to do. Like he was onto her.

Angie had pretty much told him she was keeping secrets. Her lies couldn't cover up what her body was telling him. Eros knew his way around women. Six hundred years in the grave wasn't going to change that.

But Angie was still stubborn. She raised her chin indignantly. "I don't know what you mean."

"You're looking at me like you think I'll touch you up in your sleep or something."

"No I'm not."

"That's the look I'm seeing."

She tucked herself in, doing everything in her power to avoid looking at him.

"Excuse me if I'm a little nervous about sleeping near someone I barely know. Sleep is an incredibly vulnerable state so..."

He rolled his eyes. "You slept around me just fine last night with none of this nervousness. I won't pull anything. If I hurt you, where does that leave me?" Facing those facts, some of the tension eased from her shoulders. "Just go to sleep Ange. You'll still be in one piece when you wake up."

"You're so annoying."

"Good night Ange."

"Yeah, whatever."

She reached out, flicking the switch off at the lamp. In spite of her protests, she was out like the dead within the next five minutes, snoring softly.

Now, all he had to do was wait for the nightmares to come.

Angie was annoyingly interesting to watch in her sleep.

He supposed there were probably worse humans to get stuck with. At least Angie was smart and entertaining. Had she not gone on this little mission, they wouldn't have a communication book. She was strong and willful. And, watching her sleep, he found her beautiful and precious.

That didn't take from the fact that she was already a pain in his ass.

How do I get her back to the flirting?

The second she saw they'd be spending more than a night together, she'd gone into kill-mode, destroying any possibilities for a friendship.

Probably to Angie's relief, her nightmares didn't come. Which meant he'd have to wait a while longer to find out what they were all about.

"So, what's the big deal about the stars shifting?" She asked when the morning came around.

It meant that people could now know they were on the move. It meant they were on the radar. It meant they could be found. Sure, had Angie had some sort of magical ability or immortality, it wouldn't have been so bad. But the fact of her humanity remained. They were on the radar now. They could be targeted.

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