Chapter Forty-Seven

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"What the fuck are you talking about?" Angie demanded, following after him again. It was like the guy was on speed. He shot from one end of the room to the other, wings all a flutter as he charged towards yet another set of stairs.

Angie was panting trying to keep up. He'd turn back every minute or so to make sure she was still following.

"Everything makes sense now. We've been given the answers."

"I'm glad you understand it all. Mind catching me up?"

Angie had seen the visions, and she'd made sense of everything she could, but most of it had gone straight over her head.

Emotionally, she was still making her way through it all.

Her Dad had passed away ten years ago now. And now she'd been told he hadn't passed naturally. That he'd been murdered by a freakish bitch from the Other World. Angie didn't know how she'd do it, but she'd get revenge.


"You're my perfect fit," Eros said, as though this were the answer to everything. "Ergo, you're stuck with me forever. There's a big war going on and we've been sucked into it. Nadine Totemoy- a fate- has been meddling with our lives and fucking it up. Things that were supposed to happen one way for us have happened in a different way. And now I need you to stab me."

What. The. Fuck?

Forever? Stab him?

Had he lost a screw?

"I still don't get it."

He smiled, but there was no time to stop and explain the situation to her. Instead, he pulled on her wrist, tugging her forwards. "Keep coming."

Angie was silent on the way down the staircase, more focused on not tripping and dying. At the bottom, her interrogation started up again.

"What do you mean I'm stuck with you forever?"

Angie wouldn't live forever.

She probably had another good sixty years in her at most. But by then she'd be wrinkly and old whilst he'd retain his eternal youth. He'd get bored of her before then, for sure. And she knew for a fact he'd ditch the very second she asked him for help with a catheter.

Angie was trying not to think of the future.

Thinking on it too deeply scared her.

"You know what I mean," Eros answered. "It's me and you forever now Ange. You're never getting rid of me."

"And you're still not making sense. I thought I'm not allowed in your world."

"Do you take me for someone who follows the rules?"

"I—what?" Here he was, confusing her wires. "Me knowing about your world in general is strictly forbidden. You're talking as if I'm going to be dipping in and out of it for the rest of my life."

"We'll talk about this later, yeah? We've got a lot on right now. I promise you. We'll get to this."

"I'm so confused."

"I know."

"That thing was supposed to answer my questions."

"I'll explain the answers to you later."

"Where are we going?"

"We're looking for Ares."

She groaned in annoyance. "Do we have to?"

He pinned her to the wall, seeming to vibrate with excitement. "When I kiss you tonight, I'm going to feel all of it. I'm going to do everything because I'll be alive and it'll feel so much better."

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