Chapter Twenty-Two

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Angie's head was a storm of colours and sensations. When her feet hit the ground and the hold on her wrist was vanquished, she stumbled, hands falling to her knees.

I'm going to be sick.

Oh God. What was that?

She'd just travelled across worlds in seconds.

Sure, she'd seen it happen before—but that just wasn't right. Her book fell to the ground, her bag drifting down her shoulder.

She wanted to be sick so badly, but nothing would come out.

She felt dizzy.

No. Tired.

Angie felt more tired than ever. Like her head was about to explode.

Portal jumping. Not a fan.

So this was the Common World.

She had a few seconds to catch her breath. To find her footing. And to what? To what?

This was not in her comfort zone.

There was no way home from here. She couldn't simply run off and pay for a flight home. She'd need to find a fucking portal to even start.

The second sense returned to her, she sluggishly snatched the book up from the ground and clutched it tight to her chest.

Ares was already staring at it.

He'd make a grab for it.

She knew this already.

As for Eros, he was being suspiciously quiet. Uncharacteristically quiet. He stood back with a look she couldn't figure out.

Maybe it was this place.

He'd been overwhelmed to see his friend after six hundred years. Maybe he was just as overwhelmed to return to this place after so long away.


"Hand the book over Evangeline."

She held it tighter. So tight she worried the spine might break. "No chance."

Ares' fingers flexed at his side, reminding her of what he'd already done with them.

"This isn't up for debate, mortal."


She stood her ground, back straight.

Ares cracked his neck. "You have no idea of the powers you're fighting with here."

"I don't care."

"Honestly, I'll give you to the count of ten." He smiled connivingly, viciously. "And if that book isn't in my hand, I'll—"

"You'll what?"

Kill me? He couldn't just yet. Because he cared about Eros. And until he knew how killing Angie would affect Eros, then the mortal was off limits.

He clenched his jaw and shook his arms out, probably realising this same thing.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

He stared her down, as if that would change her mind. As if his look could frighten her into doing his bidding.

She held the book tighter.

"Count to ten," She mocked. "See how much I care."

As Eros took in their scene, Ares glanced towards her neck, the corners of his lips tugging up.

"We wouldn't want those bruises to last a little longer, would we?"

A hand grabbed her from behind. Eros' big palm spread itself out across her stomach, vicing her back to him. "He won't," He promised at her ear. "Just give him the book Ange."

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