Chapter Ten

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Angie's Dad's office building was like any other building on this gods forsaken street. Made from bricks and other dull, normal, boring materials. The building had no character.

His palace had come back to spoil him.

Still, Angie stared up at it as if it were her lifeline. As if it held the answer to her every question.

"What are you hoping to gain from this?"


Even if Doctor Totemoy didn't exist, she needed to know that she hadn't imagined it. Maybe Doctor Totemoy had some other name. Or maybe that receptionist was nothing but a lying, solitaire-playing bitch.

"I believe that you didn't imagine your Doctor."

"I know, but I'm looking for proof."

He stared at her long and hard. "You don't want to feel crazy."


He'd need to get keyed up on the vocab sooner or later. Whatever bingo was, he didn't know. Thus far, he'd kind of been winging it.

"Are all buildings this ugly nowadays?"

Where was the gold? Where was the splendour? Hell, where was the life?

"Depends on the architect." He watched her ass as she headed towards the doors. "Hurry up birdman."

If she had any idea how powerful I am...

"What do you plan on doing if you don't find anything?"

Which he already knew she wouldn't. Beyond her validation, the two of them were screwed. With regards to fixing this, neither of them knew what they were doing. Which was why, lovely as Evangeline may have been—not—he could've done with landing a witch rather than any old human.

"Not important."

"Really, I think—"

"Just shut up."

Somehow, he needed to get her back to that flirty stage. Because damn it, she was easier to bear when she wanted something from him. Especially when it meant they were both getting off in the process.

At his look, she rolled her eyes, exasperated.

"I can't focus when you're chatting my ear off. People will find it weird if I respond to a man that's not there." Another look. Another roll of her eyes. "Yes, I get it. You are there, but no one else can see you."

With that, she brushed him off, bounding into the building. The man working at the reception desk must've recognised her if that friendly nod was anything to go by. Angie was granted access to the building without question.

He was sure, if this man hadn't known them, that she'd have given them both away. Angie's shoulders were too tense. She was walking stiffly as if she expected someone to call them out.

When they reached the stairwell, no one else was in sight. He took this as his chance to interrogate her. To learn what they were dealing with, of course. It had nothing to do with curiosity.

"What do they do here?"

"It's a lawyer's firm."

Lawyers. He knew what they were. Finally something they had around in his day.

Was that still a respectable career? Judging by the house Angie lived in compared to everything else, yes. Yes it was. Unless her Mother wasn't a lawyer. But her Dad had gone into law. At least he knew that.

"How can you be so sure no one's touched this office?"

He couldn't help but think this expectation of hers was a little unrealistic. Angie was putting all of her eggs in one basket over here. She was courting disappointment. Annoyingly, when she worked herself into a strop, Eros would have no choice but to deal with it.

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