Chapter Forty-Six

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Angie didn't say a word as the angel God dragged her through his palace. They stopped by the entrance once more as he grabbed an abandoned backpack, flinging it up and over his shoulder. Not a second later, they were off again.

Angie didn't have time to take in the beauty of his palace. Not with the speed of which he was pulling her.

She saw golden walls painted in dust and proud statues situated about the place. Other than that, everything blurred into each other.

His grip on her wrist was strong and resolute, his steps assured.

"Slow down," She panted, struggling to keep up.

"Speed up," He answered back, pulling on her harder.

God, dead or alive, Angie was going to kick his ass soon.

She'd been promised no more walking.

He dragged her up staircase after staircase, losing the others to the grandeur of the castle.

Angie sorely hoped he remembered his way around this place. If he were to ditch her here, it'd take her a lifetime to find her way back out.

Soon, he pulled her into a large, empty room, if not for the selection of instruments that littered the dais. Like everything else, they too were covered in a thick layer of dust, shielding the strings from the clutches of time.

Eros tugged her inside, slamming the vast doors closed behind them.

Only then did he release her wrist and dump the backpack on the floor.

"What's with the rush?" She demanded, fighting to regain control over her breathing.

I'm so unfit.

She'd work on it, but he'd promised her she'd never have to walk again soon. He'd promised her a flight with those wings of his too.

"You want your answers," He said.

"I like breathing too."

He took her by the shoulders and led her to the centre of the room, pressing a fleeting kiss to her lips. "Your lack of stamina astounds me."

"Shut up." Yeah, it astounded her too. "So? What are we doing?"

"Getting our answers."

"You're telling me your secrets?"

He winced. "Not those answers. I'll tell you those soon. Just not right now."

"I didn't understand a word of what went off down there you know."

"I know—but you will soon."

"You keep saying this."

"Because I mean it. Just trust me on this. I love you."

She read his eyes, seeing sincerity there. He did intend to tell her the truth. To explain everything. But now wasn't the time.

When Eros sunk to the floor, Angie followed his lead, sitting down across from him. Hand on her knee, he rustled through the rucksack, withdrawing their wrapped-up gift from the warlock. He pulled the material of his shirt back, revealing the remote-like stick.

"So now what?" She asked. "We just press it and it tells us what we want to know?"

"I don't know. You can never be too sure with the warlocks."

"What did they want with the book?"

"I don't know that either. But at least we can count them out for people who could've had the other copy."

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